chapter 5

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Kriya looked at the path falling behind as the vehicle moved ahead taking her to her new life from now on. The trees rushed behind as if running away while breezy wind coming from open car window made her feel how fast the pace of life is.

It has been a while since she enjoyed the small little things occurring in her life and find happiness in those tiny moments. Leaving everything behind and the walking ahead to follow the visible path is what she has doing since a very long time and honestly it totally feels incomplete.

Incomplete, to lead a life without any happiness and rushing ahead from everything. Fast pace of life made her realize that she has become so coward. So, coward to face people, scared to fight the emotions, scared to let life have its way with her.

Kriya felt herself being desperate enough and control her life with her own hands and not let anyone else interfere in anything.

"Madam! Where should I lead you? We have already reached the highway and depending upon you wish I will drive you to your desired destination" the drive spoke up making kriya feel his presence also as her thoughts made her too engulfed in herself.

Where to lead?

She has clearly nowhere to go with her luggage and hasn't even tried to find herself a roof. Retard head! That what she is and her actions clearly proof it.

She should be tensed about the staying place but no! Here all the metaphorical thoughts and questions about life including anything and everything is coming in her dumb head.

God! She has clearly forgot how to think properly and define her priorities and arrange them in manner.

All this way back she wanted to leave from his home and now, when she has throwed him behind in spite of thinking about more necessary and important stuff, her mind is focused on how life is going or how much she changed?

"Thoughts are not going to feed you woman" kriya remined herself. Food, shelter and clothes the three basic necessities of a human being and then comes the emotional system and everything else. She should be thinking about how to get herself a place to live.

"signora!" The driver called again making kriya feel shame on herself.

She is acting foolish again and again. Her father has always made her focus on morals and disciplines about the principles of life and told her to sort things out in life by themselves before life sort them you.

Yes! That is something she believed her whole life and carried it in heart. Her father's few words have been there for her forever. He used to say that being a human being you can't control destiny or happenings but you can keep yourself sorted or life will do the things for you if you don't.

Kriya felt the disrespect that she has been giving to his father's words, teachings and morals. Her father has been a loyal and honest man with best sense of humor including the simplicity. She adores him so much and craved for his presence in her life.

Only if he would have been alive. Only if.

"Please drop me here sir. I will find my way myself and thank you for your service and ya don't forget to mention to your master that I am very thankful for his hospitality" kriya told the driver as the old man looked at the young lady shocked.

No one ever addressed him as sir or with respect. He has been working as a driver for different people all his life but no one gave him enough respect but the young woman sitting behind addressed him with so much love that it filled his heart.

"Oh madam! Don't address me as sir. I have no such standards to be called one and how am I supposed to drop you here? We are on the middle of the road with no houses or hotels out there " the old man explained.

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