chapter 22

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What does it mean by that he cares. No, its not about the words its about the fact that for the first time actually second time he has shown his softer side to him like for gods' sake he always gives her the bitter words and cold shoulder only. She remains perplexed by the abrupt shift. Why is it that every man in her life seems to be so challenging to navigate? The only exception was her father, who provided a sense of ease. Since then, every other man has brought nothing but disappointment, leaving her grappling with the complexities of these relationships.

"Reply? Are you dead?" The text from Xavier popped up again, prompting an eye roll from her. This man never seems to change? Always so egoistic. She couldn't help but wonder if he ever considers how his attitude affects those around him. The cycle of his self-centeredness is exhausting, and she finds herself questioning why she puts up with it time and time again.

"I am very much alive, and can you stop with this diva attitude?" Kriya replied to his text, tossing the phone with an expression of exhaustion in her eyes. The constant back-and-forth with Xavier's attitude was taking its toll, leaving her drained from the ongoing drama.

Sleep arrived sooner than she expected, and in no time, it was morning again. Lately, she had developed a disdain for mornings. The persistent exhaustion lingered, exacerbated by the negative attitudes of those around her. Some days, the frustration reached a boiling point, and she found herself harboring violent thoughts – a desire to punch people so hard that they bled. These thoughts were new and unsettling, leaving her bewildered about how she ended up on such a troubling mental path.

Rubbing her tired eyes, she dragged herself to bathroom to shower and change into fresh clothes. Grabbing her essential she walked out of the room but Reyansh face came to her mind when she saw his room's door ajar. A moment of concern prompted her to consider checking up on him before heading to work. Hesitatingly, she stood before his door, which was halfway open. With a mix of curiosity and trepidation, she entered his room, her steps uncertain. To her surprise, the space was empty, and the absence of Reyansh left a lingering question in her mind. He must have left, she thought.

Descending the staircase, she noticed Reyansh's butler carrying a glass of juice. "Has Reyansh left?" she asked. The butler, with a bow, responded, "No, madam. The master is in his gym, working out." As he excused himself, she couldn't help but express her disbelief, "Gym with a broken arm? Really?" Her nose flared, reflecting a blend of concern and frustration etched across her face.

Kriya couldn't help but storm angrily into his personal gym, where she found him in the midst of doing push-ups on the equipment. His hand, still carrying the same bandage she had wrapped around its last night, served as a visible reminder of her efforts to care for him.

The untouched juice rested on the table beside her, a symbol of her growing frustration. With eyes fixed on his back, she felt anger drilling holes into her composure. "Are you out of your mind?" she shouted from behind, the sharpness in her voice cutting through the air. He turned towards her, his face reflecting utter confusion, but she wasn't about to let the matter slide. "Working out with a bandaged arm, seriously? Do you enjoy making things worse for yourself?" Her words carried a mix of concern and exasperation.

"I'm fine, Kriya. It's just a cut," Reyansh replied casually, taking a few sips from the glass he held.

"A mere cut? It was bleeding so much, Reyansh! You shouldn't be hitting the gym right now," she countered, her face filled with a mix of tension and genuine concern. Her eyes bore into his, searching for a sign that he understood the gravity of the situation.

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