Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"This is getting riduculous."


"It's like the universe just wants us to get together!"

Annabelle giggled nervously, clutching two cold frappechinos in her hands as she walked beside Gerard, as he gestured dramatically with his empty coffee cup.

He had drained that thing in a total of three seconds.

"I do?" she joked, and he laughed.

Finally they arrived at Annabelle's door, and Gerard tipped an imaginary hat.

"It was a pleasure to meet you again, Miss Carter," he told her, and this time she laughed.

"It was a pleasure to meet you too, Mister Way," she replied, faking a wobbly curtsey.

He started down the hall and she bent to put down her frappe to search for her key in her cardigan, when she heard him shout.

"Come to my gig tonight?" he called and she turned in surprise, looking at him.

"Where?" she called back.

In responce, with great aim, he threw a paper ball at her.

"It's got all the details on it! Hope to see you there!" he yelled down the hall.

She laughed. "Aren't you organized?" 

He chuckled, and was gone.

Annabelle swooped to pick up the paper, and not taking her eyes off it, knocked on her dorm.

Natalie wrenched it open at lightening speed, dressed, and ready, seized the plastic cup from Annabelle's outstretched hand and with a loup slurp, half the frappechino was gone.

"My saviour!" she cried, hugging Annabelle.

'Caffeine rush.' Annabelle thought, patting her back awkwardly.

"C'mon, we've got to get to class," she said, when Natalie had released her from her death grip.

"Yep okay," Natalie nodded, slinging her bag over her shoulder, and Annabelle quickly stole a glance at her room-mates outfit.

A lace-sleeved t-shirt, light blue wash skinny jeans and white floral Vans.

Simple. Girly. But nice, all the same.

Then Annabelle, as they walked to the main building, self-consciously scraped her hair back into a high ponytail, letting a few wisps slip out, and felt a little more put-together.

*   *   *

Art History, and the next two lecteurs went by fast, and soon it was lunchtime. A big, A3 visual diary tucked under her arm, Annabelle walked towards a small cafe (not Starbucks) called Luna's Place.

It was cute, and homey-looking, and - as she discovered as she entered and ordered a large muffin and a hot chocolate in a paper cup with a lid - everyone was super friendly.

Annabelle loved it.

As she munched on her muffin, which had just arrived, just as hot as though it had just come out of an oven, she started to draw in her big visual diary.

The task for one of her classes was to make a giant painting with lots of little boxes of little paintings, that meant a lot to you.

She had done something like that in high school once.

"Yep. Definately fate."

Annabelle jumped in fright, upsetting her hot chocolate, so that it rolled onto her drawing.

Luckily the cup was empty.

"Gerard!" she cried, annoyed, blowing a stray hair out of her eyes, and glaring up at the darkhaired boy.

"Sorry beautiful," he replied sheepishly, but she could almost see the playful amusement in his eyes.

"Are you flirting with me? Because we barely know each other." she told him, picking up the cup.

Gerard sniffed.

"Alright then," he stated, pulling out the chair opposite her. "Let's get to know each other."

And in that one hour, Annabelle felt like she knew Gerard like the back of her hand, and him, her.

Of course they both had their secrets, Annabelle's nightmares and whatever Gerard was hiding, but who doesn't?

She didn't care. She just felt like she had found a new best friend.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lol, that last line was so soppy ewwwwww.


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