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(Vanessa's Pov)

"And so we find divorce rates increasing for a various amount of reasons." Professor Antonio spoke, concluding his lecture. I vigorously wrote away, cursing myself for not bringing my laptop along and thinking it would be a smart idea to write by hand. I knew I was a pretty slow writer.

"That's all for today, class. I'll see you tomorrow morning." With that lastly said, he began packing up and some students didn't hesitate to jump up from their seats. I sighed, flipping my notebook closed and sealed my pen shut with its lid. I was definitely bringing my laptop tomorrow.

Sliding my book and pen into my bag, I stood up and made my way to the exit. Mindless chatter surrounded me as I pulled out my phone, checking the time. It was around one in the afternoon, making it the perfect chance for me to get lunch. My stomach had been consistently rumbling throughout class and I had hope nobody heard.

It was officially the first day of college. The weekend had passed by way too fast and I found myself waking up to my very first class at nine in the morning. To say I was nervous was an understatement. Although I had been to college and it wasn't like my first time attending a lecture, I was nervous at the fact I may not like Professor Antonio's style of lecturing and end up leaving without learning anything.

But thankfully, I was proven wrong. Professor Antonio was an elder man with dark grey hair and a soft voice that, although some students found it boring and easy to fall asleep listening to, I found it compelling and interesting.

I'm sure I would have no problem with his future lectures.

I found myself heading towards the college cafeteria. I was close to getting lost, but when I overheard the girls that were in-front of me, conversation, I followed them and led myself into the busy, noisy, large hall. The scent of food instantly hitting my nostrils.

Needless to say I didn't hesitate in leading myself over to the lines of food, fearful that my mouth would drop open any second and drool would soon follow it. I was that hungry. Thankfully, the lines weren't too long and I had managed to purchase a plate of chicken salad.

It was only when I took an empty seat at the end of a table, did I feel it. Rather, hear it. First it was the heavy, strong feeling of eyes being on me. It was followed by whispers and shocked gasps sounding in my ears, that caught my attention. Furrowing my brows, I hesitantly looked up and found more than a few eyes on me.

"What?" I spluttered out, feeling an unwanted wave of heat rush up to my face.

Was I eating weirdly? Or was it the fact they had never seen me before in their lives, that they found it that amusing? Maybe it was the way I had done my hair? I guess the untidy, messy bun look didn't suit me...

"Hey," I snapped out of my thoughts when Britney appeared in-front of me.

"Uh... Hi," I responded quietly, unsure as to why so many eyes were still lingering on me. Even when I looked at their faces individually, they didn't look away. They held a look of something that looked close to sympathy, or worry - it just made me frown in confusion.

"Mind if I sit?" 

"Go ahead," I murmured, sighing to myself.

Seriously, what the heck was going on?

Britney held a strange expression on her face as she stared back at me. She was fidgeting with the end of her dark blond hair that was pulled into a tight, sleek ponytail. I knotted my brows at her actions - she almost seemed nervous and a little uncomfortable with herself.

I frowned. "Are you okay?" 

"I heard the news," She exhaled, sympathy welling up in her eyes. "I'm so sorry."

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