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(Vanessa's Pov)

My mind was screaming a lot of things at me the moment I was standing behind the dormitory building. Some nasty words I'm sure Jase wouldn't appreciate hearing and other bitter words like 'I told you so' to myself.

But after finally telling it to shut up, it surprisingly somewhat worked. It began listing off things I needed to do in order to move on and finally put myself first, instead of simply hoping things would turn out okay.

The first thing it told me to do, was to end how it all started. I wiped away my tears, pulled my hair into a ponytail and settled off to the front office. As I neared towards it, I began feeling nervous. If her answer was no, I'd have to end up going back to the place I was beginning to slowly resent. But if she did say yes, I would end up having to start everything all over again.

I had to push that nervous feeling away the very second I stepped inside the building, the sight of her packing her belongings away into her bag, coming into view instantly. I didn't hesitate to go and ask Carol what I was after, not wanting to waste either of our time.

Turns out, luck happened to be on my side for once. Carol told me that in-fact there were actually two spare dorms, none of which were being occupied. When the good news registered in my mind, I felt both relieved yet guilty. It almost felt wrong of me to be moving out of the dorm I had been staying in for so long now. But I was relieved to know I could move forward and there was nothing stopping me from doing so.

Just maybe my crushed heart.

I didn't find myself even mildly hesitating when accepting the key to my new dorm that, thankfully, I wouldn't have to be sharing with anyone. I was extremely thankful for the past occupiers for moving off campus, they had done me a giant favour, even if they would never know of it.

After accepting my key and being instructed on where the dorm was, I reluctantly led myself back to my... well, old dorm. With caution and nerves, I slowly opened the door, relief engulfing me when I noticed it was empty. Jase hadn't returned. But then the thought of him still being with Roxy made my heart clench in envy and pain. 

Sighing, I wiped away a tear that absently fell and forced myself to move forwards. It felt like forever as I pulled out my suitcase from under my bed and began packing away all of my clothes and belongings. I couldn't help but cry a little when I crossed the familiar summer dress with flowers scattered all over them, it being a soft peach colour. 

I could still remember Jase's reaction to it perfectly. I had just finished showering after returning from one of my English lectures. It had been nearly two days since I saw Jase that day, due to being busy with classes and also covering two shifts for Pete at the movie theatre.

Sometimes, I think I was too good of a friend. But then I'd think of what I did to Roxy and those thoughts would instantly disappear. I was nowhere close to being a good friend.

Anyways, back to the moment Jase was in awe by seeing me in this dress. I had stepped outside the bathroom, drying my wet hair with a towel, not expecting to find Jase laid out on his bed, seeming more drained than ever. Though, when I did see him, naturally my heart jumped with joy, having missed him the past two days.

"Jase," I had whispered with surprise and hard to miss joy. He instantly sat up, his eyes trailing across my body as a small smile began to etch onto his lips.

"Hey," His husky voice had murmured. "Come here."

Surprised and a little turned on, I made my way over to him. That's when he abruptly stood up and stepped forward. He took my hand in his and gave me a little twirl, a soft sigh falling from his lips.

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