A World In Which A Boy Is Found

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Daryl hated shopping, loathed it even. Kathryn hated shopping, maybe not as much as Daryl, though. The two had been married for little over a month now, and they definitely needed some necessities for their new house. Now, this was easier said than done. The two lived in a town that barely had five hundred residents, let alone a shopping center. So, the newlyweds drove down to Atlanta.

Daryl was currently driving, while Kathryn hummed along to the country song playing on the radio. He stole a glance at Kathryn, and Kathryn being the observative person she was said, "Keep your eyes on the road."

"Yer makin' that difficult," Daryl said, placing a hand on Kathryn's upper thigh. Daryl found that the only plus of going shopping were the car rides with Kathryn. He loved how the wind blew her long blonde hair, and how she stretched her long legs out on the dash. To Daryl's dismay, it wasn't long before he pulled to a stop in front of a strip mall.

"Okay," Kathryn started, pulling out a list. "We need a new comforter, some more pans, dishes, and silverware. We get in, get out, grab something to eat, and we're home free."

Daryl grinned, he liked Kathryn's shopping style. He leaned over and pecked his wife's cheek before climbing out of the truck. Just like every time Kathryn was in the car, Daryl would try to race over to her side and open the door before she did. Today was not that day, though. Kathryn was already out of the car by the time Daryl had reached her.

"One of these days are ya gonna let me open yer door?"

Kathryn tapped a finger to her chin in mock thought before answering, "Nope." Daryl playfully glared at Kathryn which made her laugh lightly.

As the two walked into the store, they grabbed a cart and headed for the kitchenware. Kathryn grabbed the few pans they needed, then moved along to the dishes. She found a kind that matched the ones they already had and added them to the cart. She repeated this same action with the silverware.

Daryl couldn't complain much, everywhere he looked he saw men looking like they were about to die of boredom as their wife's showed them different things and asked "Which one is better?" Kathryn, on the other hand, understood that Daryl really didn't care about what kind of dishes they had.

Kathryn walked over to the comforters and started looking over the many fabrics. Daryl had seen a fishing section a ways back, and his curiosity was getting the better of him. Bumping into Kathryn slightly, Daryl caught her attention.

"Hey, I'm gonna check out the fishin' gear, ye good 'ere?"

Kathryn nodded. Daryl hadn't gotten five feet away before he heard, "Oh, I need some new line." Daryl chuckled and shook his head. He loved her. Kathryn averted her attention back to the many blankets. She sighed, what was the difference among the thread counts again? Was the bigger number better, or was it the smaller?

A small cry caught Kathryn's attention. For a second, Kathryn thought that she was imagining things, but that theory was thrown out the window when she heard it again. Kathryn cautiously looked down the next aisle, and saw a little boy sitting against the shelves with his knees brought up to his chest. She quickly did a sweep of her surroundings, looking for anyone who might be the boy's parents. When she didn't see anyone, she slowly approached the boy. "Hi," she called softly.

The little boy looked up, and looked over Kathryn with uncertainty. "Hi," he finally replied.

Kathryn sat down a ways away from the boy. He couldn't have been more than five, Kathryn decided. "My name's Kathryn. What's yours?"

"Carl," he replied. Kathryn flashed a small smile that caused the boy to visibly relax.

"Do you know where your parents are?" Kathryn asked the obvious question. Carl shook his head. "Then let's find them, shall we?" Kathryn stood up, and Carl followed shortly after.

As the two began to walk down the aisle, Carl slipped his hand in Kathryn's. Kathryn was taken by total surprise and even jumped slightly. She couldn't help but smile at the young boy, though. Something in the back of Kathryn's mind told her she recognized Carl, but she couldn't figure out why.

"What do you mean you don't know where he is?" Kathryn heard a panicked voice say.

Carl eagerly tugged on Kathryn's hand. "That sounds like Mom!" Kathryn turned the corner to find a frazzled woman, and an embarrassed looking man. "Mom! Dad!" Carl chirped running over to them. The woman quickly scooped up Carl and held him close, and the man pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Mom, Kathryn found me," Carl said with a grin. At that time, the parents both turned towards Kathryn.

The woman quickly placed Carl on the floor and spoke first, "Thank you so much."

Kathryn looked down at her shoes. "It was nothing." Before Kathryn knew it, she was engulfed in a hug. The woman pulled away and smiled at Kathryn.

"My name's Lori. This is my husband Rick."

Rick gave Kathryn a nod, which she returned. That same nagging feeling came back. Kathryn knew she had met these people before. Rick held his son now, but he kept glancing at Kathryn as she talked with his wife. Rick racked his brain, he knew this woman. Was she ever arrested? He quickly shook that thought away, he didn't believe someone like Kathryn would be breaking the law.

Daryl walked back over to the comforters, but once he got there, his wife was no where to be seen. All that was there was a the cart full of kitchenware. Daryl frowned, where had she run off to?

"Kathryn?" Kathryn jumped slightly as she heard Daryl's voice. She looked over her shoulder to find him giving her a weird look.

"Daryl this is Lori and Rick. I found their son and brought him back," Kathryn quickly explained. Daryl nodded and looked over the family. "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you," Kathryn said to Lori and Rick.

Kathryn turned and started walking away with Daryl, but she stopped dead in her tracks when she felt two arms wrap around her leg. Kathryn looked down and saw Carl. She bent down and hugged the little boy. "Thank you, Kathryn," Carl whispered.

"Not a problem, bud," Kathryn replied.

Daryl had to really try to keep the smile off his face. He always loved seeing Kathryn with kids. Carl let go of Kathryn's leg and waved as she once again began to walk with Daryl. Kathryn waved once before disappearing around the corner.

Later that day, when all the shopping was finished, Daryl and Kathryn sat down at lunch.

"So, you know the family I bumped into today?" Kathryn asked Daryl.

"Yeah. What 'bout them?"

"I don't know... I just can't shake the feeling that I know them from somewhere."

Daryl had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. Kathryn had her eyebrows furrowed in concentration, and he saw the annoyance behind her green eyes. Kathryn hated when she couldn't solve a problem. Daryl got up from his spot at the table and slipped into the booth next to Kathryn. He put an arm around her and said, "Don't beat yourself up about it."

Kathryn sighed and leaned into Daryl's side. "I won't."

Daryl pressed a kiss to Kathryn's temple. He knew she wouldn't let this go for a while, and she shouldn't. When Daryl saw Rick, a tiny bit or recognition occurred. This never clicked with Daryl, though. Maybe it was years upon years of repressing feelings, or maybe it was just him being blind, but nevertheless the feeling holds true.

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