Chapter 6- Childish

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I sat 'backstage' with the boys and Sarah. Well we did before she and Harry left to do something that I dont wanna think of.

"So what shall we do now?" Zayn asked.

"Uhm Im hungry" I constated looking around at the boys.

"Thats my line!" Niall complained but he looked (if possible) even happier.

"We just-" Louis started.

"NO! I dont care" Niall said quickly.

"Yeah buddie" I said and high-fived him.

"Ok but where-"

"NANDO'S!" I and Niall screamed and he looked and he looked at me like I had a big chicken hat on.

"Can't we try something new?" Louis asked in vain.

"No Jimmy protested!" I said and laughed as Louis complained over that I stole his line. Niall high fived me again.

"Can't you try out something less childish like I dont know, kissing?" Zayn asked causing me to stare at Niall as he were checking me out.

"Like what you see?" I asked him.

"Uhm I guess" Niall said slowly. Great he realized how ugly I am...

"You look great" he said and smiled awkwardly.

"Thanks" I said quietly.

"Well I guess that we should get going" Zayn said and rose.

"Where?" I and Niall asked in the same voice.

"Nando's" Zayn said.

"First time ever that Niall forgot about Nando's" Louis said and laughed.

"He has a good exuse" Zayn said and winked at me while Niall stood there as a tomato.

"I'll do get Harry" Niall said and left.

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