Chapter 17- T.R.O.U.B.L.E

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"KAAAT!" was what I woke up to. I saw a Horan standing by the door trying to lock it.

"Don't just lay there, HELP ME!" he screamed looking at the lock. I ran up and locked it as he tried to keep four very mad boys from getting in.

"Thank you" he sighed and grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead.

"You welcome" I said and jumped to my phone to check the time. 8.17. I were a morning person but we didnt even have school or anything today! They must be really mad.

"I'll get changed" I said walking into Nialls closet to pick one of Nialls blue hoodies, his 'I♡Nando's' shirt and a pair of his pants that he allowed me to cut into shorts. This was my favourite outfit ever. Mmm it smelled Niall...

"NIALLER" I shouted and jumped onto his tummie. I gave him a peck on his lips and asked him about my outfit.

"You look amazayn" he said and chuckled. After a while he continued.

"You look so amazayn that I'll take you to a date where you are wearing those" he said pointing at my outfit.

"But first we will go take photos of the boys" I said and dragged him up but I only succeeded in making us fall out of bed. With him on top of me. I giggled awkwardly and he helped me up so that we could go confront the boys. Yippie.

We decided to first go Ninja and snap a couple photos without them noticing if they wouldn't agree so I took command and we took the fire escape to their studio/office and glimpsed out of the door. We stood behind a cactus with me snapping photos and Niall filming the hole event. I threw an tiny decoration stone from the flower pot as a distraction and we advanced to the kitchen. As they continued the conversation I snapped photos of them with the hair, makeup and everything still on. We had also arrenged a secret tv interview, well we tried. The tv company chanceled and we made it a two man mission. After sneaking our way around the table we came up from behind the sofa. Niall sneaked around to film Zayns facial expression as I jumped up from No where. And so I did.

"AAH WHAT THE FLACK KAT!" he screamed gaining a slap from Harry. I just giggled and said ⇩

"There are cameras here, there and no where else and your on my youtube channel!" Then I ran to the sofa making a ninja jump over it and landing on the glass table. Which broke meaning me falling down and Zayn flying towards me unable to stop as he already was in the air. He hit me and I got pushed to the sharp edges of the glass that cut deep wounds in my legs and the wooden frame to break so that I layed on the edgy glass pieces and Zayn laying on top of me pushing me against them. And from the moment the table broke my mouth went 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH' and my head went 'don't care about the table breaking, we just wanna have a laugh.'

well now I mostly just cried. Blood were coming out of my legs and arms from the sharp glass and tears outa my eyes. I let out a scream when Liam de-infected the wounds and while that happened I had five very worried boys around me with different roles. Liams was playing doctor, Zayns was the cause that were being screamed on by an angry boyfriend aka Niall while Louis was the brother I never had who kept telling me 'its alright' while his eyes stared at me as if I were turning into a zoombie while Harry was the retarded little sister that could do nothing else but to stare. Soon the angry boyfriend cut of the crying and screaming by screaming to us to take Kat to a hospital while his tears were ruining the expensive carpet. Oh shit Im Kat! I realized just before I fainted.


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