Chapter 24- Locked in

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Nialls POV:

I sat there twisting on my chair as they stared at me.

"So who's up for some truth and dare?" Zayn asked.

"I have no secrets left and theres no dares we haven't done" I complained. Not. Again.

"There always comes new secrets" Harry said and grinned at me.

"Like secrets about your girlfriend" He then added.

"You can't expect me to tell HER secrets" I said.

"duuuh yeah we can" Zayn said.

"Ok listen up dramagueen and cockyboii, what happened to her is terrible and if you get to know it in any other way than her choosing to tell you next time we have Nando's the chicken will get in the wrong way!" I said and reached for the last apple but Harry took it.

"Give it to me" I sighed annoyed.

"Make. Me" he said and ran towards the toilet. Last time someone chased each other here Kat ended up in a hospital. Harry ran into the bathroom and locked the door and an evil plan popped up in my head. Oh yeah!

I ran of to get a chair that I placed at the bathroom door as I've seen them do in moves and placed mouse traps around the door.

"Try to flirt your way outta this one styles!" I screamed and went back to the kitchen to Zayn.

"Hey bro!" I said and sat down next to him asking whats up next... wonder what Kat were doing?

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