Alice Cullen- Use (h)

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You knew that your girlfriend's family did like you, but there was always a point where you felt as if you just couldn't do anything to help them.

With you being a human and your girlfriend being a vampire – nothing ever went to plan, even when you tried so hard for it to.

No one minded the fact that you were a human, they had all accepted you from the get go but whenever they were in trouble it wasn't as if you could help because you knew that you would just make everything worse.

The vampires that weren't vegetarian, the ones that did drink human blood, they were the ones that caused the problems the majority of the time so if you went to help sort things out you would either be killed or just throw the whole thing tits up.

Alice, Edward and Jasper were due to come back from an altercation that had happened any minute but for the mean time you were with Emmett in the living room.

"Hopefully no one has to go anywhere for a while" you spoke up, causing Emmett to look to you with confusion on his face "I just don't like being the only one left here" you clarified.

He sighed and made his way to sit closer to you "Alice is gonna be here in like a minute Y/N/N" he told you, placing his arm around you to pull you into a hug "And I doubt she is going to want to leave you for a while" he reassured you in a gentle time.

You shrugged before resting your head on his shoulder "I know you guys tell me I am just being silly, but I just don't belong here, do I?" you questioned in a more rhetorical sense rather than literal.

"Of course, you do" you heard your girlfriend's voice answer you from the doorway, causing you to jump practically out of your skin.

You turned around to face her "Gees Al" you stated and she walked towards you with concern across her face.

Emmett took the hint, kissing your hair before he got up and left the room with Edward and Jasper following him from the doorway.

Alice sat down next to you, taking your hands in her as she looked into your eyes.

"Why do you think you don't belong here?" she questioned with hurt laced within her tone.

You sighed and let go of one of Alice's hands to run your hand through your hair "I'm hardly suited to be living with vampires, am I?" you quizzed as you faced her.

She shook her head in disbelief "You've been living here for years Y/N, we all love you here and me more than anyone" she explained.

You sighed again "I know that Alice, I love you too but...I can't do anything here, I can't help anyone, I can't be of any use and it's's pointless" you stood up as you spoke.

Alice quickly stood up to stand next to you "And what does that mean Y/N? You know we can't risk your life, I wouldn't cope if something happened because of us" she recited the explanation she had told you many times before.

You held back tears slightly, knowing what you were about to say, "I'm gonna go and stay with my brother for a while" you told her which caused her to look at you with wide eyes.

"You're going to them?!" she questioned as her tone of voice rose.

You were adopted into the shifter community, Sam was all you had ever known as family and he was surprisingly accepting of you living with the Cullen's.

"So, this means what? We're over?" she asked in quick succession, panic written across her face.

You shook your head "I'm not leaving you in that way Alice, I would never" you told her as you pulled her into a hug but then you stepped back "I'm going to stay with my brother, I need to get out of the place where I feel as if I am of no use" you explained your side of things.

Alice's face dropped "You are of use here" she commented in defence, wanting you to stay living with her.

"You say that but it never feels as if it is true"


Written by Charlotte.

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