Jasper Hale- Perfect Boyfriend: Part 4 (h)

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Ever since Jasper had reassured you about the whole marriage thing, you'd felt a lot better about it and knew you didn't need to worry.

Graduation was coming up quite quickly, in about six months you were going to graduate from school and you'll finally be able to marry Jasper.

You knew that Jasper had already asked your dad for your hand, because that's how traditional Jasper wanted to be, but the only thing you didn't know was your dad's answer.

Once you'd suggested to Jasper the two of you moving in together, he'd surprisingly been all for it – you practically lived together anyway, either at his house or at yours so it wasn't going to be that different.

Esme and Carlisle were only too happy for you to move into their house so that's what you were planning on doing.

Your dad had helped you pack up the majority of your things – but you'd still left some of your stuff there as it was still your room.

Emmett had agreed to bring his truck to pick you up, and so you'd loaded all the boxes into the back of the truck before you climbed in next to him.

"How's Jas?" you questioned.

Your soon to be brother in law laughed as he drove. "Nervous but excited I think."

"Why's he nervous? Worried that I'll bring everything and the kitchen sink?"

He laughed but nodded. "You do have a tendency for overpacking Y/N/N."

You rolled your eyes but knew you couldn't deny it.

The two of you sat in comfortable silence for the rest of the drive, you almost began to fall asleep but perked up when you realised Emmett wasn't driving the usual way to the Cullen house.

"Wait...where are we going?" you questioned out of confusion.

Emmett chuckled but said nothing, just continued to drive.

He eventually turned off onto a small beaten driveway through the woods – ending up at a cottage that looked absolutely gorgeous.

You shot Emmett a look of confusion but got out of the car, slowly walking towards the front door.

Figuring it wouldn't hurt you pushed the front door open and gasped at how lovely it was.

"Welcome home Darlin'," Jasper's voice came from a doorway.

Turning around you saw the love of your life standing there with the cheekiest smile on his face.

He opened his arms and you went straight into them. "What do you think?"

You pulled away so that you could look up at him. "Is this ours?"

Nodding, he smiled down at you before he leant down to kiss you gently. "This is our home."

"Oh my god," you breathed out as you looked around. "We have a house!"

He chuckled into your hair and pulled you close. "I can't wait to make you my wife."

"You know I'll say yes when you ask."


Written by Hannah.

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