Part 3

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  (I just realised that i made Lolbit's personality like mine XD interesting story )

-Your POV-

,,So Lolbit right ?" i asked him while walking beside him.

,,Yes ?" he asked

,,How come everyone is preforming and you're not ?" he stoped walking , i stoped . he looked like he is deep in thoughts . Then he looked at me .

,,You see i wasn't created to preform but sell gifts for kids . But the place for that wasn't build yet so I'm just wondering around until i get my place in the surfice at the day . " he answered i was suprised how he went from full depressed to a happy one .

,,Ok ..." i said , but still not sure about that .

,,Anyhow ... BALLORA !!!!" he yealled through the room were we entered , Ballora jumped down from the sealing like a spider that scared me . She so quickly ran to us that i was about to run away but Lolbit caught colab of my shirt . He pulled me back in but behind him . Ballora stood up normaly .

,,Why hello there Lolbit . Why the nightguard is with you ?" ask Ballora nicely , how she know i was there she can't see !

,,Well she will help us to get out , also do you mind having her here until i find the others ?" Lolbit pushed me closer to Ballora .

,,Of course not "

I looked behind me to see no one's there anymore how is he so fast and quiet ?

,,Well you must be the nightguard , but do you mind to share your name with me ?"

,,U-um , (Y/n) "

,,Oh my what a wonderful name you have ."wow she was nice . even after she almost killed me in my second night , She was calm , peaceful and nice . Like a real ballerina .

,,T-thanks "

,,No i should thank you and even say sorry , you see i say thanks for your first night that you didn't shock me , and sorry for the attack in your second night .I shouldn't treated you like that ..." she said

,,No no no no ! Its fine , i kind of understand ... the situation here , so i forgive you and you're welcome ?" i said with a smile . She huged me not thightly just lightly she was awere of her strenght .

,,Well hello there I'm back and here are the others ." Behind Lolbit was Foxy , Freddy , Baby , Minirinas , Bon-Bon , a ping version of Bon-Bon , Bidybab , a Bidybab whith yellow eyes and a Funtime Freddy endoskeleton .

,,So you already met the main once so here are Yenndo, Electrobab and Bonnet ." they waved to me .

,,THATS S-SO E-EXITING ! A N-N-NEW FRIEND !" yeald Freddy happily .

,,Ow , FREDDY NOT IN MY EARS !" said annoyed Foxy , I gigled . I saw Foxy smile at me .

,,So guys this is (Y/n) , she will help us with getting out ." Everyone cheared .

I looked at my watch it was now 6:23 am .

,,I don't want to interupt you but may i leave now , you know home ?"

,,NO !" said Baby

,,Baby , i'm mostly with you , but this girl has a point of going outside , she needs her human things and for getting us a body she would need to leave the underground ..." said Lolbit , i was just saved by an animatronic . weird ...

,,Ugh ! Fine , but you need somebody with you !"

,,Who !" I ask rather scared .

,,Lolbit of course , after all he is the one who is on your side ." she said as she winked at Lolbit . He just looked annoyed and bored already .

,,Huh , at least i can show you how he should look like . Lets just go to the alivator ." he was walking away , i quicly run up to him .


We were in front of the alivator , i was clicking the botton , But no use ...

,,If you would let me to the door , i could opened it for you ."

,,Then do it if you so smart ."

He steps closer as he tought the botton and slowly pushed it , then the door opend . I looking with wind eyes at him .

,,You know if you wouldn't smashing the living dead out of the botton , you could of opend it . " then he walked in . We were in the alivator , what was slowly making it way up .

...To be continued ... 

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