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Well I am back at the location , ok ... Lets do this .

,,U-um (y/n) , h-hi !" Said Foxy slowly getting closer to me and Lolbit , i was shaking with fear more and more as he came closer more and more . Lolbit then took me behind him , i blushed so much at the moment .

,,Brother i think you still scearing her ... I talk to her she said she forgive you but that she first needs to remove the fear first or something like that ... Am I saing it right ?" He turned to me , just quickly looked a way and noded .

,,O-oh ... " Said Foxy almoust with tears in his eyes .

,,I-i j-just need to s-shack it o-off ! D-don't worry !" I said to Foxy he smiled and left .

,,Ok , now that we are alone ~" started Lolbit  , his almoust singing voice made me blush . ,,Lets go in my workshop to finnish her " he wispered .

I noded and followed him , we arive in front of the all so big metal door . He opend the door for me , the room was pretty big , big screens were all over the walls plans and blue sprints were on the tables and there was one big rooling white arm chear . There was a nother door that said 'keep out' , i was looked around with joy that i was able to see something like this . My mouth was open , i hear Lolbit chuckle on my action wich made my blush once again .

,,I think you should close your mouth or something gonna fly in there " he smirked and went to the door that said 'keep out' . ,,I put her hear come we gonna start soon ." He opened the door fot me i saw a white chicken with pink and yeallow parts she looked good but she was missing her arm and a leg .

,,Funtime Chica this is (y/n) , (y/n) this is Funtime Chica ! She was well knowed as a  really good cook ! Maybe even as gpod as you !" He said , he conplimented me ! Ok i can die happy now ...

,,Let's get to work ..." he was about to leave but i cut his hand he looked at the hand then at me .

,,Thanks f-for the compliment " i said in soft voice , his cheackes get purple a little .

,,Ehehe ... Y-you welcome !" When he said it he looked away and said something again ,, so um work ?" I nod and he smiled .

Time skip

We finnished one arm but it still needed to be connected to the body he said that we will finnish it next day and that i should go talk to the others wile he is gonna do some stuff on computer . Well i think more like a computers but i won't fight against him .

I said that we will meet at the lift , he just nodded . I made my way in the Ballora Gallery . As i thought Ballora was there dancing , he little minirinas were following .

,,Hi Ballora " i wispered .

,,Oh ! My i didn't heared you came here ..." She said as she came closer to me ...

,,Want to talk a little i'm boored ..." She smiled and i smiled back , we sat down in her stage and started our conversation ... be continued...

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