Part 7

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I woke up at 8 AM my phone was ringing so i picked up the call name was ' Boss ' . Well shit ...

,,Mis . (L/n) {Last name} ! Why yesterday you weren't in your job ?!"

,,B-boss I can explain ! I forget but today i will be there ! I-Its a promise !"

,,Fine , last chance mrs. (L/n) , last chance ." he hanged up . Everythink is falling apart , since i made the stupid deal with a orange fox ...

Knock Knock

,,Uh ? Whos there ?"

,,Breakfast !"

,,Breakfast ? Who ??"

,,Do you want a breakfast or no ?!" oh it was Lolbit , but why would he do a breakfast for me ?

I opened the door , there stood Lolbit with a spechula . He started to walk to the kitchen , i was close behind him . On the table were pancakes ... Did he made them for me ?

,,I readed on the internet the Breakfast as you humans call it is a really important for start the day and that can help forget bad thinks from yeasterday , and sice you had a fight with that weirdo ... Which by the way i tottaly understand , he was just disgusting ... so why not you enjoy your breakfast ..." said Lolbit , smart and caring . Maybe he does care ...

,,This is for me ?" i ask not sure if it all a joke .

,,Of course you see any other human here ?" and he is back ...

I sat down on the stool as i diged in ... IT WAS AMAZING !!

,,I-its ... Its amazing ! I didin't know you can cook !"

,,I don't ... this actually was my 3rd try and i finnaly did it . I was cooking since 4 AM ... It was hard ..." He said as he left .


We arrive to the pizzaria we went down to the animatronics all were doing something . Antil Foxy noteced me .

,,Hey (Y/n) ! " he greeted me with a wind smile .

,,Hello Foxy ! " i said back , Lolbit left somewere so it was only me and foxy in the controle model .

,,Where is my brother ?" he ask me , i did not know the can be brothers but sure everyday i learn something .

,,Um , he left but i'm not sure were ..." i said while looking around

,,Well anyhow ... i was ... well ... uh ... thinking ... i-if ... y-you and m-me could ... u-um ... hang out .. or something ." my eyes went wind as he quicly looked away , he acted so cute but i had a boyfriend .

,,Well as friends ? or ..."

,,Friends ! Yeah ! " he said it but he looked like he didn't mean it , but i didn't questioned him more .

,,Hmm , ok !" he looked happy about it but in the same time sad ?

,,C-cool ! How about n-next night ?"

,,Sure !"

,,Great .." he run away like blushing mess trou the went then Lolbit apeared .

,,Jeez ! Why was my brother or red and stuff ?" he asked , i strogled .

,,Ah anyway , Baby said that we have actually 3 weeks so hey lucky you huh ?"

,,Ah sweet !" i must say it that it could come in handy .

,,I know right more weeks with me ~ " he grind evily , hell no .

,,Nuuuu ! " i said , i didn't mean it and i think Lolbit understand it so its all fine ...

...To be continued ...

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