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-Foxy Pov-

My brother from all the people of this damn place , my brother would take that girl i like . Not a chance !

I found him in his workshop full of computers and robot parts ... and bluesprints of how we all should look like if we fall a part too early or something . 

,,Brother ..." I came in with out a nock which he hated .

,,Yeah ?" He said as he looked at me with a look 'u didn't nock' 

,,Do you ... You know falling for (Y/n) ?" I need to know there is no coming back now !

,,What ?!" He ask fully surprised 

,,Say yes or no ..." I need to know brother , you can't escape the question .

,,No ... If anything i found them rather like a slite friend ..." His look was trust worthy , and his look was directed to my eyes . I looked like he saying the truth ...

,,Oh ... ok " i said with slite blush , i didn't expected him to not like her ... Now what ?

,,Heh ... You like her don't you ?" Evil grin was plasted on his face . 

,,Don't you dare to tell her !" I demended 

,,Nah , don't worry bro i just messing with yea . Listen i won't do anythink to mess up you plans ok ... " He smiled at me , good think that i can count on my brother . 

,,Thanks" i said as i left 

I made my way to the kitchen to found out that she is no longer there ... 


I followed Foxy to a big metal door , he ran in and swinged the door shut . I tried to hear what was happening . After some little time he opened the door , i was behind the nother corner 

,,Thanks" was the last think he said leaving . Weird , i know i should of waited for him .

,,What you looking at ?" said a voice behind me . I jumped in surprise ,  i looked there . Lolbit was leaning against the wall , i looked at him then the hall Foxy went . 

,,U-um , Lolbit ?" i ask , i need to ask a question and who knows more stuff then him ?

,,Shoot " 

,,Ok , what is behind that door ?" 

,,My workshop why ?" 

,,Well Foxy went out there and they were talking to someone . Do you know who ?" He chucled

,,With me , but he left . I think he might want to ... you know find you ..." 

,,W-why ?" 

,,I don't know , maybe he -"

,,BROTHER !!" there stood Foxy his look was sanding chils down my spine .

,,Sup ?" Lolbit was by his sudden anger sirprised as well.

,,YOU KNOW WHAT SUP ! I THOUGHT I CAN COUNT ON YOU !" His voice went more angery by every word , i started to fear the pink fox who i thought was my friend . Lolbit notice this .

,,Calm down bud , listen i don't know what you talking about but you scearying her ..." he said the last part so softly i didn't know he cared that much . Foxy looked at me as i saw his anger slowly fade away . 

,,I-i'm s-so s-s-sorry ..." he said as he cried .  

I wanned to hold him and make him feel bether but i was sceared what if he tries to kill me ... Lolbit i don't know how but remain calm .

,,I think its , 6 am . You should go out of the pizzaria .Wait for me up stairs , i will join you soon ." i nodded and went out of the hall way to the alivator . I get up stairs and sit in the car as i wait .

...  To be continued ...

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