Part 8

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  It was now 12 pm and Lobit i were waching tv , then my phone rang . Lolbit froweled at it , I quicly picked it up .

 ,,Hello ?"

 ,,Hello um ( Y/n) you home ?" it was my boyfriend ... what is he wants now ? 

 ,,Um yeah , why ?" 

 ,,I think your bell is broken " wait he is here ? From corner of my eyes i saw Lolbit standing up from the couch , and my bell broken ? How i just repear it a week ago !

 ,,Yeah ! I will quickly open it heh ..." i run to open the door he stood there with a bunch of flowers in his hands . 

 ,,Hey ... so i feel bad what i said a day ago so i giving you this flowers . I hope you like it "

 took the flowers . Then the door suddently shut , Lolbit shut the door . 

 ,,h-hey !" i say to him 

 ,,Are you forgetting what he did last time ?" he flowers , was he jealuse or is he just hating him ?

,,Well he ask forgiveness so yes ..." as i said he teleported somewere else . I opened the door . 

,,Who were you talking to?" he ask as he start to look around . 

 ,,Me ? O-oh i wasn't talking ..." iwas nervous

 ,,But i heared a male voice ! Wait ... do you cheating on me ?" 

 ,,WHAT ! I would never cheat on you ... your my boyfriend " i said the truth to him and he just noded . We sat down in the living room in tv were Gravity Falls while Lolbit was watching it with interest . I smiled at his interest in kid shows , i must say i enjoyed them as well . (B/n) took the controler and changed the chanel to a film which was stating . 

 ,,You should stop looking at this stupid thinks if you ever want to be adult , no wonder you don't want to move in our relasionship if you are stuck as child ..." he started to watch the tv . Lolbit was full in anger , I was angry too but that face what Lolbit made ... i will never forget . 

 The lights started to blinking and the tv started to glich , It was scary . The tv showed a big blask and white surcle which said ' Please stand by '. Lolbit was gone and his face upeared in the TV , but his white pills were gone . I must say i never were this sceared , i looked at (B/n) he was sceared and shocked . 

 ,,Change back the chanel ..." said Lolbit in the tv with demonic voice , (B/n) didn't think much and did what Lolbit in the TV ask for . A soon as he did Lolbit apeared still invinseble for (B/n) i have my eyes wind open . And he was no longer in the tv and the show Gravity Falls was just going with out a problem . 

 ,,I think your house is hunted ... Um ... do you wanna after this move in my house ~" Did just my boyfriend used this for his side ? 

 ,,No no , its fine really ... um ... I am sure it was just a little glich in the tv ... and the light . " i said nervously ... 

 ,,How it could be a f*cking creepy fox things head a pear and say that 'Change the chanel back ' or what ... It can't be a glich !" he says really annoyed , but Lolbit was annoyed by his presents in the room as well I don't know why but me too ... 

 ...To be continued ...

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