Part 5

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~Your POV~

We were playing call of duty and we stopped when i get hungry . Lolbit grined at me when he heared my stomach groach .

,,He he , looks like somebody is hungry ~" he said slowly and teasingly at the end . I stood up and made myself a sandwich . I get back and looked at the screen , Lolbit was pretty good at this game . We had fun until it was time for bed .

I was in my pijamas on my bed writing my diary . 

~Dear Diary 

You would never found out what happend so i was at -- 

,,What yea doing ?" ask a voice beside my ear . I jumped up as i fall down from my bed . I look up and saw Lolbit holding his on of his laught . 

,,Verry funny ... " i rolled my eyes , he then stared to laught , but still holding it back . 

,,UGGGGHHH ! Just go ! I want to sleep !" I say as he just nod , after he left i heared him collapse in front of my door from laughter . Great he supossed to guaet me but he is the one acting like a child . 


SPLASH THE whole bucket of cold water in my face i looked up to met with Lolbit , he had smirk on his face .

,,WHY DID YOU DO THAT !!!" i yeal at him .

,,Well , i donno " he strugles ,,I waned to do this from the begining of our partner ship !"

,,Why i have a feeling that you do it so you could laught at me some more ..."

,,WHAAAA ? Me i would never do such a - Yeah i tottaly did it fot that " He give me a big ear to ear grin . Then his face turned siriouse again .

,,Well anyhow , so we need to look for a men arond 30 his hight must be 180 ... now get up and puts clouse one we going in the town !" he said as he left , woow we were joking like a second ago and now so siriouse . That when i remanber our deal , shiwers run up and down my spine . He is so creepy , but still like I like him too ? Its weird but idesidet to ignore it and started to preper my self .

When i was ready we get out , for some reason Lolbit looked difriend but in what ?

Wait he wasn't animaronic anymore !??!?!?!?!,,What ?! How ? Your not a animatr-" he covered my mouth whit his now fluffy hands

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Wait he wasn't animaronic anymore !??!?!?!?!

,,What ?! How ? Your not a animatr-" he covered my mouth whit his now fluffy hands . I blushe slightly .

,,Listen , for you to know and to not freak out in the future ... I have lats say magical abillitis so i can to lot of stuff like now i'm not a nimatronic or invisiility for people i want to be inviseble or now that i'm out of the underground . " he puts his arm from my mouth away . I nodded that i won't freak out in the future but who knows one day i will just freak out . Your never know ...

...To be continued...  

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