CHAPTER 21: The departure of Taichi 1/2

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Second part of the second season of the Fanfiction Digimon Adventure Willing Broken.

This season is divided as it is somewhat long, more than the first season.

These are the concluding chapters of the story and are concentrated in Yamato, Sora, Meiko, Meicoomon, Taichi and Agumon, of course it is still a michi story although it has almost no scenes, but I will add them as the story unfolds.

Now, if they finished seeing the final chapter of the first part of Season 2 completely, they will know that Taichi will leave again or because of a digimon, but Agumon tries to prevent it even though Taichi lets himself be convinced that Maybe it was better to remain Kai than himself, and as the story goes by, things will happen with him.

There are new digimon that have to do with what will happen and there is the question of Tai and the other Chosen Children if Taichi returns or if Kai will remain for the end since Taichi does not want to remember.


The breeze was hot and refreshing at the same time, you could hear the sound of the waves beating against each other.

Koromon: Taichi! - He shouted very alarmed while opening his eyes of a strong impact

He calmed down when I managed to wake up, and the first thing he saw was the landscape of the sea with the water colored by a deep black.

A few storm clouds, along with several sounds of lightning, showed, very little, the rays of the sun that indicated that the morning was approaching, but it was still night, and could be seen very clearly.

Koromon: Where ...? - He said turning around, he could only guess that he was in another place that was not the island File

When he saw behind him, he saw Taichi pulling on the sand, unconscious. He ran to him and tried to wake him up.

Koromon: Taichi! Awake! Taichi!

Slowly, Taichi opened his eyes with great difficulty.

Taichi: What ...? - Said with some heaviness to then get up from the sand

Koromon: Are you okay? Do you still remember me? - He said something scared

Taichi: Do not worry Koromon-He said to then take him in his arms and observe the ocean in front of him-and the others? What happened?

Koromon: I'm not sure, but that current under water saved us from the Gesomon

Taichi: It's still very dark, so we can not do anything and you have to rest

Koromon: I'm fine

- It was a good idea to make half of the followers follow you, but this is not over-said a voice that sounded around as if it were an echo

Taichi: Who said that? -Said getting up from the sand and looking for the one who spoke to him

- I'm sorry Taichi Yagami, but I need Kai Yamada back

Taichi: What ...?

Koromon: Taichi, there's going!

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