CHAPTER 36: Feeling recovered

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WarGreymon accumulated energy from between his arms and launched his attack on Chaosmon, but he aimed at him with the barrel of his arm and when he launched it, both powers collided and created a strong explosion that shook everything.

Hikari: Do not stop!

Taichi: He ... -He said something scared while looking at Chaosmon, he was still worried about what Chaosmon said.

Mimi: Taichi-san ... -She said in anguish, I clearly see that, what Chaosmon told her, she really affected him.- Do not listen to what he said

Taichi: But what he said ... - He said while still seeing Chaosmon - It's true ...

Hikari: Brother ...! - She said very surprised by what she said

Miyako: What do you say Taichi-san? That is not true at all

Taichi: What would happen if I was not here? Chaosmon would not be attacking ... None of the digimon ... - He said still scared while still watching the fight

Mimi: Do not say it

Taichi: This should not happen ...

Mimi: Taichi-san ... -He said very scared

Taichi: Everything will have been better ...

Mimi: No ...

Taichi: If I were dead

Mimi: Do not say it!! - Scream quite angry and with tears in his eyes

He went straight to Taichi and subjected him to both shoulders, forcing him to stop seeing the fight and see her only. That reaction surprised Taichi a lot.

Mimi: Do not you dare say that!

Taichi: Mimi?

Miyako: Mimi-san ...

Mimi: I never accepted the reality that they told me -he said annoyed but bringing tears- I always said that you were still alive, do not you dare to give Chaosmon a reason

Taichi: Mimi ... -He said very surprised

Mimi: Nothing would be better if you had ... - He said trying to calm his sadness

Hikari: Mimi-san, you do not have ...

Mimi: Chaosmon does not know what he's talking about. -He said as he watched the fight with great anger.- I will not let you talk to me like that

Right at the moment, Mimi's digivice began to shine brightly enough, at the same time, Lillymon too, she began to digivolve.

Miyako: What is ...?

Taichi: That's ...

Hikari: Is it evolving ?!

Lillymon mega evolves to ... Rosemon!

Everyone saw the new evolution and everyone was really surprised.

Mimi: Rosemon ...? - She said impressed

On the other side of the city, Yamato and all the others, who were on the road where the fight was taking place, could clearly see the new digimon.

Piyomon: It's another digimon

Sora: What's happening?

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