CHAPTER 17: A spoiled objective

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Yamato: At least you remember something, but it's still a strange event for you, right? I bet that's why you want to avoid remembering too

Kai: Something like that -He said with some discomfort- It's because of that girl -He said while pointing to Mimi in the distance

Yamato: Mimi? Is it because you already realized that he liked Taichi?

Kai: I dislike your attitude, tell me that Taichi at least felt the same because otherwise, I will feel despicable to feel this way with her- He said something nervous

Yamato: At the height where Taichi was with us, I stopped feeling feelings of love, so I do not know if he started to fall in love with someone

Kai: Do I stop feeling feelings of love? - He said something confused to himself and then embrace himself and look away to the ground

As soon as he was about to go with the others to reach them, he felt someone hug him from behind and then covered his mouth with his hand. I try to see who was behind him, but could not turn his head.

- No, no, do not even try it Yamada-chan, your sisters and your mother are really worried about you

As soon as Kai heard the voice of the speaker and the way he did it, he realized who he was.

I push whoever was behind him and the impulse caused him to fall to the bottom of the lake while he was spinning.

Hikari: Brother! - She said very scared when she saw that she fell

Yamato: But what ...

In that instant, Yamato saw someone on the shore of the lake, standing as if nothing.

Yamato: A digimon?

Gennai: But if it's ...

Agumon: Are you okay? -Said while helping him to get up

Kai: It can not be-said something scared to see the digimon-You were not supposed to be helping the doctor

Takeru: Do you know him?

Kai: He's one of Dr. Lordknightmon's aides

Gennai: What did you say? But if he is a Royal Knight

Lordknightmon: Did you believe that? Then he kept the secret very well with you, -he said as he came down and stood in front of them all

Moosemon: How come I get to the doctor?

Kai: I do not know he just did not watch so we did not run away a long time ago

Lordknightmon: I present myself as it should be. My name is Lordknightmon, -he said as he bowed as a greeting to a king.- Dr. Anzu Yamada sent me here with the intention of taking her son back home. Let's avoid confrontations, okay?

Gennai: Why is a real gentleman part of the goal of awakening Moonmilleniummon? - He said annoyed as he approached the

Lordknightmon: For the rebirth of a new clear world

Iori: Did he say rebirth?

Meiko: They want to destroy it to start from scratch

Lordknightmon: Yes, when Moonmilleniummon steals the fragment that Kai Yamada possesses he will be able to destroy the little insignificant existence that exists in the Digital World and will start a new era of new pure digimon

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