CHAPTER 39: The last decision 3/3

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At the time, Greymon digivolved to MetalGreymon and WarGreymon. He went straight to Lorknightmon, and attacked him as he wrapped himself in a tornado of fire and threw him against several rocks with enormous power, causing MetalGarurumon to free himself from his attack.

Mimi: He succeeded-He said happy

Sora: Incredible

On the other side of the huge crack that was generated by the roots, they observed that several Devidramon and Flymon went straight to them.

At the same time everyone could see how WarGreymon and the others were fighting Chaosmon and Lorknightmon.

Daisuke: Guys, maybe all ...- He said worried

Mastemon: Must be all followers of Moonmilleniummon, knew of their arrival

Hikari: But how? I thought that after my brother's digivice was used, they could no longer locate it

Koushiro: It could be that they can do it with the digivice of Mochizuki-san and that of Kai's sister, Umi

Takeru: We have to put an end to all this at once, let's not stop now

Chaosmon extended his arm where he hid his cannon and pointed it at Rosemon and Garudamon, but before firing, WarGreymon created his attack Terra force accumulating a lot of energy and throwing it against Chaosmon, he did not react in time and received the attack, being very wounded , but it was not effective enough to defeat him.

He went straight to WarGreymon, and with his sword, attacked him directly.

Mimi: It does not stop-She said worried

Meiko: It's too much

Yamato: Rays-He said very angry between his teeth

Taichi: Yamato, you have to train Omegamon-Said decided

Yamato: Taichi-He said surprised

Taichi: If we do not stop Chaosmon or Lordknightmon now, they will have more advantage fighting together. There is no doubt, we can beat them if we also fight together

Yamato: Yes. Go on, -he said as he pulled out his digivice

In the moment, both digivice shone brightly and from that light that began to surround WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon, Omegamon appeared.

Lordknightmon: What ...? - Said really surprised and annoyed to see the merger of Omegamon

Joe: Guys, the beech ...

Miyako: Is not it ...?

Koushiro: Omegamon! - He said happy

Chaosmon: It does not matter what they do, they will not stop me for the awakening of Moonmilleniummon to take place, -he said, extending his sword and flying straight to Omegamon.

Omegamon did the same and went straight to him, both collided with their swords, causing an intense current of air to be released.

Lordknightmon: Damn-he said angry and then go straight to them, but Rosemon extended his whip and caught him from his waist

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