Chapter Twelve

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"Have you always been--" asked Vi, before she stopped herself from saying anything else. "I'm sorry. It was impolite for me to ask--"

"It's alright. I could never see you that way. No, I haven't always looked like this, but I cannot say anymore than that."

Heat rose upon her cheeks. If Madame Polley or grandfather were here, they would have scolded me for blurting my question out loud. In fact, they would have punished me for many of the things I have said and done the last few days. How long have I been here anyway? I've lost count.

She shook her head as a tiny grin appeared on her face. "Where are we going? I fear it will be dark before we know it."

"I am taking you employer. They will explain everything to you. Well, almost everything."

Vi opened her mouth but no words came out. Why is he being so...cryptic about where he is taking me? Who is his employer and how do they have the answers? I trust him for some reason, but I don't know if I can trust someone I haven't met before.

The two of them walked briskly in silence. He continued to hold her hand; Vi was surprised by how much she enjoyed the soft, but firm way he covered her hand. Her heart beat quickened.

How can I be so comfortable being around Maks when I hardly know anything about him?

"How long have you served your current employer?"

"I have always worked for my employer," he replied, stumbling over his words.

"So you have rescued other people before me?"

"No, just you." Heat emanated from his hand. "Before I was asked to find you, I was nothing more than a lowly servant."

"A lowly servant wouldn't have been chosen to find and save me the night of the fire. You are more noble than you give yourself credit for," she said, feeling slightly timid as she spoke.

He turned to look at her with a strange expression on his face, like he was struggling with multiple emotions at once. "Why...why are you asking me these questions?"

"Because I hardly know anything about you despite the fact that we're friends."

He jaw dropped a little. "We're friends?"

"Of course we least we have the beginning of a friendship, right?"

"R-right," he sputtered out. All of a sudden, his body stiffened and he gazed quickly at the sky.

Vi turned her eyes to what he was looking at and saw large dark clouds joining together to cover up their only source of light.

"He knows you've escaped from the castle," cried Maks. He squeezed her hand more firmly. "Hurry!"

As the two of them sprinted through the trees, Maks kept muttering to himself, but it didn't make sense to Vi, but she was using all of her willpower to make herself keep running despite of her fears. Thick snowflakes came down and blew wildly around them, making it almost impossible to see where they were going.

"What was I supposed to tell her? How does that song go again?" whispered Maks over and over again. "She said the princess, I mean Vi, would remember the password if I sang the song."

"Maks, are you alright? What am I supposed to remember?"

A pulsing warmth radiated on her skin, where the necklace pendant laid on her chest. Vi's breath caught in her throat as she heard a voice whispering something. Closing her eyes, Vi strained to listen for the voice to speak. She wasn't sure how long she waited to understand the voice before she realized that someone else was shouting in her ears in utter alarm.

How is this even possible?

Blinking her eyes rapidly, Vi looked at Maks and gave him a reassuring smile.

"I know the password that you're speaking of," she said in a quiet and calm voice.

"What is it? Whisper the password out loud."


Silver light began to shine in front of them, extending wider and wider until it covered everything in front of their path. Vi shielded her eyes with her arm as the light grew brighter. At the same time, she felt strong arms embracing her and pulling her against a solid yet soft wall.

"Hurry up! The door won't remain open for very long and you know he will kill you if he catches up with you," hissed a low female voice.

I can't wait until I meet Maks' employer. I'd assumed his employer was male until now.

Vi let out a gasp as she was suddenly scooped up into Maks' arms. She clung to him with her free arm. "Please hurry Maks. I don't want you to die because of me," she muttered into his chest.

Clutching her tighter, Maks began to run forward. The next thing Vi knew, warm air was dancing across the face and their surroundings were much quieter now. Slowly moving her arm away from her face, Vi moved her head and saw that they were standing in the middle of a garden with a large waterfall singing softly in the distance; at the same time, Maks set her on her feet and started to move slightly away from her.

"Don't go Maks. I want to stay close to you until I meet your employer, for I don't trust her just yet."

"We will need to change that soon then. After all, a mother and her daughter should be able to trust one another," said a voice. A blonde woman was sitting on the edge of a large fountain. Standing up, she walked over toward Vi. "It's so good to see you again Genevieve."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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