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~ The Prince's POV ~

A split second before we hit the ground, I felt the shift. As if gravity was reversed. I unfurled my wings as we landed in the foyer of my home. The girl opened her eyes and gasped.

"What?" I asked, "Never been to Hell before?"

She didn't respond. She seemed to be taking it all in. I smiled at the thought of telling her that this was what all of Hell looked like, but thought better of it.

"So," she started, "what do we do now?"

"We go find you a room." Said a familiar voice from the doorway.

I looked up to see my fiancée standing there, perfectly poised in a blood red gown, her long blonde hair and bright red eyes making her look even more captivating. The small black horns on her head helped as well.

"Ahh, Esmerelda, my love. I apologize greatly for returning so late." I said.

"It is alright, but who is this? And why is she here?" She responded.

"She is here on personal business." I lied, "And she is to stay here until it is sorted. She is the Archangel, Gabriel's, daughter."

"Lilith..." I heard her whisper.

I froze.

"What is your name?" I asked through a clenched jaw.

"It's... It's Lilith..." She replied.

"Esmerelda, let's take her to her room." I said quickly.

She nodded and turned to lead the way. I grabbed Lilith's upper arm and dragged her out of the room, following Esmerelda.

After walking through the halls for a few minutes, we stopped in front of a room that was directly across from my own.

I opened the door and shoved Lilith inside before closing it again and turning to face Esmerelda.

"I think it would be best if you returned to your home estate until the matter is cleared up." I told her.

"But why? She is just an angel. She holds no power here."

"Because she bears the name of Lilith. And if that demonic woman has figured out how to use an angel as a host, I don't need you to be in the way. Your death would be a very difficult thing to explain to my father."

For the first time ever, I saw her composure break. Ever since I met her, she was always calm and collected. After all, she was trained to be my wife. So when I saw the spark of anger in her eyes, I was surprised.

"Fine." She said, "Just get rid of her quickly. Else I'll have to do it for you."

She turned and stormed away. I waited a moment, contemplating if the throne was even worth my time with that woman. I shook my head, erasing the thought.

Turning to face the room where Lilith was, I put my hand on the door knob. I started to open the door, but before I could open it completely, it was closed in my face. She had herself proped up against it.

"Lilith! Open the door!" I shouted.

"No! You're going to try and kill me!" She shouted back.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because I heard you talking to that woman and you think I am the demon, Lilith."

I sighed, "Look, I thought that originaly, but I'm not sure. Let me in so we can talk."

A few moments of silence passed before the door opened a crack. As I pushed past the door, moving into the room, I saw Lilith sitting on the end of the bed. Liquid gold was pouring from her eyes, her wings were curled up against her. I moved to go sit next to her, but at the sight of her eyes widening, I decidded against it.

"So," she said in a wavering voice, "let's talk."

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