"What the hell happened here last night?" Ann said throwing open my bedroom door. I woke with a start, suddenly realizing Ryan was in bed with me, his arm draped possessively over my hip."Sorry," Ann said turning her back towards us, "I didn't realize you had company over." Moving Ryan's arm his eyes jerked open. Ryan looked at the door realizing what was going on, he gave me a quick nod.
"Ann, you can come back in."
"I was hoping you'd say that." She said coming in, I sat up just as she took a seat at the foot of my bed.
"Why are you here so early?"
"Mila, it's after 2, I just got off work and came home."
"Fuck! Dad's gonna kill me," I groaned.
"No he won't," Ryan said, "He knew I was coming here yesterday, he'll understand."
"Just how often do you talk to my dad?"
"More than you'd probably like," Ryan chuckled.
"I'm Ann, Mila's roommate, and you are?" Ann looked at Ryan quizzically.
"Ann, Ryan, Ryan, Ann. Ann is Michael's fiancé." I told Ryan.
"Wait, this is the Ryan?" Ann asked.
"You're telling me that Ryan Slate is Michael's best friend and your ex?" Ryan gave her his dazzling smile, making Ann swoon.
"Good God, do you make every woman lose their shit when you smile?"
"Every one but you, and sometimes even a man or two," Ryan laughed.
"I thought you hated him," Ann said quietly.
"He fixed the door bell," I said stupidly.
"You jumped in bed with him, because he fixed our door bell?"
"My door bell, you're moving out, remember? And he also bought pizza." I replied stupidly.
"On that note, I'm gonna go make some coffee, while y'all finish whatever this is," Ryan said getting out of bed in only his boxer briefs. He bent over, grabbed his pants, stretching to show off as walked out as both Ann and I stared in admiration.
"Damn is he as good in bed as I would imagine?" Ann asked.
"Ann, you're marrying my brother, you can't ask that. They're best friends, besides he's mine I saw him first."
"You've known him since, like birth, so seeing him first doesn't count."
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes as I stood up, "Where are my sweats?"
"I think I saw them in the living room." I walked out to find them wearing nothing but a tshirt and boyshorts. I found my pants on the couch and slipped them on.
"And I wouldn't know, we didn't do anything besides sleep, I think."
"You mean you don't remember? God you'd think you'd remember if he fucked your brains out."
"Trust me, if I had my way with her she wouldn't be walking straight," Ryan said walking in the living room and handing me a cup of coffee. "And she'd remember. I'm one that's not easily forgettable." He said with a cocky smile. As if this morning couldn't get more awkward, I thought.
"Then what did happen last night?" she asked me.
"We talked, ordered pizza, drank, watched a movie and slept." I responded.
"After you slammed the door in my face and refused to let me in, then I fixed the doorbell. I threatened to ring it until she let me in."
"I like the way you think. She could use a guy like you." I put my head in my hands and groaned.
"I've got a few things to take care of today, so I need to head out." Ryan said pulling a shirt over his head.
"I'll walk you out," I said, taking his hand we walked to the front door.
"You're still coming to Michael's tonight, right?" Ann yelled after us.
"You're going?" Ryan looked at me, I nodded "Yeah, I'll be there tonight."
Ryan placed his hands on my hips, his thumb pushed my shirt up, brushing the exposed skin. He slowly lowered his head to mine, he placed his mouth on mine in a slow sensual kiss, which took my breath away.
"Tonight," he said.
"Tonight," I repeated, he kissed the top of my head and walked out the door, as I stood with my hand over my heart.
"Girl, you've got it bad," Ann laughed.
"Did you see him? You would too. God he's so dreamy." Walking back to my bedroom I pulled a picture off my mirror and handed it to Ann.
"How have I not seen this before?" she asked, "Did you ever tell Michael?"
"No, I never told Michael, do you think I'm stupid? Michael would've killed Ryan, and don't tell him, I'll figure out a way to do it eventually."
"Whatever, but he'll find out sooner or later."
"I've never shown anyone that picture, then last night while I was looking at his Instagram he posted hat picture! Ann what am I going to do? It's hard enough being in a normal relationship. Ryan is famous, he dated Brooke freaking Smith."
"What's your point?"
"Look at me. What is a guy like him doing coming back for a girl like me?" I asked sitting on the bed.
"Mila, don't let your anxiety get to you, I saw the way he looked at you, and in all the pictures I've seen of him in the media, he's never looked like that, he looked happy. Come on get dressed," she said throwing a pair of jeans at me.
"Where are we going?"
"To the salon."
"Why?" I asked throwing on clothes and throwing my hair up in a messy bun.
"Pedi, mani, you're eyebrows could use a wax, and I'm guessing you could use a Brazilian while we're at it," Ann said laughing as she led me to my jeep.

RomanceWinning Mila back after five years was the easy part. But can she deal with everything that comes along with dating the star quarterback? Does she stand a chance with Ryan's psycho ex in the picture? What will it take for Ryan to get his last touch...