This chapter goes out to my best friend D who has always urged me to pursue my dreams no matter how crazy they are. She supports me in all my crazy endeavors, including this book. D, I know the chances of you seeing this is slim but I want to wish you the happiest of birthdays, without you I wouldn't be who I am today. Thank you for being an inspiration for me, always pushing me to work harder and never leaving my side no matter how many times I get ya in trouble. I love you girl, forever and always.
*****When we got to the top of the stairs, there was a black SUV waiting for us. "Let's go home," Ryan said as he opened the door for me.
"I want to go to the top of the rock."
"Mila, you almost had a panic attack, let's just go home," he pleaded.
"Ryan, I'm fine I promise. I haven't had a panic attack in years, just a lot has happened tonight, and I want to end it on a good note."
He shut the car door, clearly not happy with my choice. I took his hand and pulled him away from the SUV. "Mila..." he started.
"Ryan please, I want to have fun!"
"What?" I turned around, frustrated.
"You're going the wrong way," he smirked.
As we walked Ryan pointed out little restaurants that he wanted to take me to, and pointed out places he's been. "How much further?" I asked as soon as I could get a word in.
"It's only one more block, you tired?"
"We've walked half the city!" I exclaimed, slightly out of breath, "How are you not tired?"
"I play football for a living, if I got tired after walking three blocks I'm pretty sure I'd be cut from the team," Ryan snorted. "How is it you used to be able to run the 3 miles from the Johnson's farm all the way home, but you can't walk three blocks?"
"That was one time and if I remember correctly the cops were there breaking up a party and I didn't want Rob to call my dad. And these three blocks are longer than those three miles for your information."
"I don't think that's possible."
"Trust me it is," I retorted.
"You could start working out with me."
I began to laugh with what little breath I had left, "I get all the exercise I need while we're in bed."
We crossed the busy New York street and I saw Thomas approaching us. "Did you get the tickets?" Ryan asked.
"Three VIP tickets. We'll take one elevator up, get off bypass the line, get on another elevator and head straight up," Thomas stated.
"How busy is it?" Ryan asked.
"It's Friday night, in New York City," Thomas replied. I couldn't help but laugh at Thomas's reply as he held the door open for us. Ryan pulled his hat down and held onto my hand firmly. I noticed how long line was at the first elevator, we stopped at the side of the line as Thomas went up and talked to the elevator attendant. When the doors of the elevator opened, Thomas nodded for us to enter and thankfully the attendant didn't let anyone else on.
"So because you're famous they let only us on?" I asked curiously.
"Yup, they only do this kind of thing for the best damn quarterback in a century," Ryan said laughing.
"$69.99 for VIP treatment at the ticket box," Thomas said quietly. I couldn't help but laugh out loud at this revelation.
"Still impressed?" Ryan asked holding his hand out for me to take.

RomanceWinning Mila back after five years was the easy part. But can she deal with everything that comes along with dating the star quarterback? Does she stand a chance with Ryan's psycho ex in the picture? What will it take for Ryan to get his last touch...