Chapter 5

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Huge shout out to reetilicious  for being my first fan, and telling me book was good enough to keep writing, it means a lot to me! Also her books are amazing check them out! Shout out to rcrider1 for helping me edit, letting me bounce ideas off on you and keeping me on track! Also shout outs to Kimberly, and Rachel for listening to me talk and rant and rave! And Wig, thanks for keeping me grounded and for inspiring me every time I have a block.
WARNING: this chapter is rated R!

"Man, I've missed this." Ryan sighed, relaxing by the bonfire with a beer in hand.

"What? You're telling me that with all the money you make, you don't have a fire pit at either of your houses?" Michael asked.

"No man, the stars, the crickets, the atmosphere and the people. Miami and New York don't even compare to being back home."

"So, move back, or at least during the off season. Bro, it would be great to have you back." Michael retorted.

"Yeah, and live where?" Ryan laughed, "I can't exactly move in next door, I need privacy."

"So buy a piece of land and build," I suggested.

"I would need someone to come home to, before I did that," Ryan said softly, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Well I'm sure there will be plenty of single ladies at our wedding, and I'm sure they would all love to go out with the offensive quarterback of the year," Michael joked.

"And you're cut off," Ann replied, taking his beer from him.

"How's your mom?" I inquired, trying changing the subject.

"She's good, really good actually. She moved to the beach house last year, I finally got her to agree to stay permanently. She volunteers at a domestic abuse shelter, which takes up most of her time, so she's rarely home. I'm sure she'll be excited to see you."

"I can't wait to see her! I've missed her so much, I'm so thankful she was here after mom died. I never got to thank her for that." I whispered, trying to hold back the tears. Ryan placed his hand on my knee, trying to console me. His small gesture meant the world to me, more than he could ever know.

"Why do you have to ruin everything? Why do you have to bring her up?" Michael muttered angrily, talking about our mother.

"Michael!" Ann shrieked.

"I'm sorry. I'm just gonna go, it's get late anyways. I'll see y'all tomorrow." I mumbled, rushing inside to grab my keys.

"Mila!" Ryan called after me. "Mila wait!" I turned around not knowing what to expect, he immediately enveloped me in his arms, just as Ann came running out.

"Mila, he didn't mean it," Ann assured, "He's drunk. You know how he gets when he drinks."

"Ann, its ok. I'm just gonna go home," I replied.

"Mila, you can't drive like that you're drunk," Ann insisted.

"I'm gonna take her with me," Ryan said taking my keys. "We'll see you tomorrow, Ann." Ryan said, opening the passenger door for me to slide in.

"I guess I'll see you both tomorrow," Ann relented, walking back up to the door.

"Ryan, I can't go home, and I can't go to Dad's not like this," I whispered, as the tears rolled down my face. "Take me wherever you're staying, please."

"Why don't you want to go home?"

"I don't want to be surrounded by her memory, not tonight anyways. Being there it just feels like she could walk through the door any minute."

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