Chapter 24

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I'm so sorry it's taken me so long, I'm trying my hardest not to stress while I'm pregnant! I also wanna tell y'all sorry for it being so short but it took me 3 days to type this between selling houses, being sick and work I'm trying my best and I'll continue to update!!! Btw that was my first announcement pic!!!

"No," Ryan said quietly. 

"What the hell do you mean by no?"

"You're not going back home without me. I told you before you're not getting rid of me this time, if you're going home then I'm coming to. Do you think I didn't know his would be hard? That I didn't know it would've been easier if I had left you alone, not just for you but for me too? I knew this wouldn't be easy for either of us, but I also know that everything in life that is worth fighting for doesn't come easy. I will fight every day for you, even when you're in a hungry, cranky, anxious bitchy mood. If you leave New York so do I.

"You can't, you have football."

"I wasn't joking when I said I would choose you over anything, I'll quit the team and follow you anywhere. Whether it's Kentucky, some deserted island or Timbuctoo, I'll follow you to the ends of the earth."

"You're not playing fair."

"Whatever do you mean?" Ryan smirked

"You can't put whether you quit or not on me, it's not fair."

"Life is fair babe," Ryan said with a shrug of his shoulders, "If you leave me, I'll be forced to follow whether during the season or the off season."

"Stalker," I mumbled.

"Stalker huh?" Ryan laughed out loud, pulling me into his lap he ran his nose along my jaw, "But how can I be stalking you, when you're the one fangirling over me? Or better yet when you're the one who is yelling my name every night?"

"I've never fangirled over you," I breathed out, as his lips landed on the spot where my neck and shoulder met, causing me to shudder.

"Sir," Thomas interrupted, as we pulled into the driveway.

"Yeah?" Ryan responded.

"Spencer's car is here."

"Thanks for the heads up." I slid off Ryan's lap as he opened the door, "So are we good?" Ryan asked softly.

"For now, but you're not off the hook that easy," I replied.

"And what will get me back into your good graces?" Ryan laughed.

"A date, just you and me, no press, no security, just you and me."

"That can be arranged," he said as he intertwined his fingers with mine, and lead me up the steps.

"YOU HIT A CAMERA MAN?!?! I hope you know how much trouble I go through for you," said a high pitched snarky voice at the door. I walked inside and was greeted by a shorter Italian man, who was wearing of all things, a sweater vest.

"You must be spencer," I replied with a smile.

The man reached out and touched the side of my face, "Ryan be a good boy and get her ice or something before the poor girl swells. We have the interview tomorrow and if we can't hide this well have to have them photoshop it out."

"Oh God the interview!" I cried.

"And yes Mini, I'm Spencer. Do you mind if I call you Mini? You're just so little and cute! God my stylist is going to have fun with you. You're smoking hot! What are you a size two?"

"Are you hitting on me?"

I heard Ryan laugh from the other room, while I awkwardly stood with this man's hands on my hips. I backed away and went to sit on the couch.

"Babe, he's more into me than he is in you," Ryan laughed as he handed me a bag of frozen peas for my eye. "And don't worry we'll cancel the interview."

"The hell you will," Spencer shrieked, "Do you know how many favors I had to call in to get you out of the interview, without repercussion, back into the interview with Mini here? More than my ass can handle! If you cancel now you can find yourself a new publicist."

"Great! I've been waiting for this moment, Spence, you're fired," Ryan laughed.

"Hardy har har. You're so funny I forgot to laugh. We need this interview or Brooke will have power and it will look like you're backing out because of this pregnancy scandal."

Ryan turned to look at me, I gave him a nod, "He's right, if we don't do this it won't be good for either of us. Not with this Brooke scandal or with the camera guy."

"I like her, she's smarter than you are. And we need to talk about this, his company has already called with a list of demands to make this not go to legal," Spencer replied.

"Fuck no, you're crazy. Let them come at us and we'll counter sue for assault, just look at her face, there's no way I'm giving them an interview or anything."

"Mila, a few questions for you, is there anything they can use against you tomorrow, any Sex tapes?" Spencer asked.

Ryan forced a laugh, "No."

"Ryan I need to hear it from her," Spencer replied.

"Trust me theres no way there's a sex tape."

"You don't know that I need to hear it from Mila, I mean my God no one's a virgin now a days so theres a chance."

Ryan raised his eyebrow.

"Oh you hussy, you did not give it up to this man!"

"Next question please," I replied quietly.

"Any ex boyfriends?" spencer asked.

"Just Tyler."

"And why did that end?"


"Babe," Ryan started, "Trust me just answer the questions, the sooner he's done the sooner he leaves and we go to bed."

The anger in Ryan's eyes was apparent as I replied, "I wouldn't sleep with him."

"I'm going to kill him if I ever find him," Ryan replied.

"And that's why the media thinks she's a bad influence, first you leave Brooke for her now a photog and now you want to fight someone else.

"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" I asked

"You'll use southern charm and tell them the truth," Ryan replied.

"Southern charm yes, the truth no," Spencer said firmly. "You cant tell them you left Brooke for Mila, and you can't tell them you got engaged after five days you'll both look insane."

"See told you normal people don't get engaged after a few days," I snorted.

"Well that's it for tonight, my team will be here tomorrow morning around eleven. I'll see you then."

Ryan walked spencer to the front door as I pulled my shoes off and stood up. I could feel him before I heard him, "Now where were we?"

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