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Third person POV

Jonah had left his house to go on a walk to set his thoughts straight. He had so much in his mind. He was starting school again in about a week. Jonah was super stressed because he heard that some students who moved away are coming back to his high school. Those people, happen to be his old best friends. Now of course, he has Jack, Corbyn, and Daniel. His old best friends were Jacob and Blake. They were suspended for bullying last year, so their family moved. Jonah of course was super stressed and anxious about seeing them again. And Jonah knew that if they found out that Jonah was gay, he would never hear the end of it.

Zachary was also on a walk, he was clearing his thoughts about going to a new school. Zachary was scared that someone would find out that he is gay and end up telling the whole school. He was also scared that someone would find out that his dad is super rich and use him for stuff, or call him a spoiled brat. On top of all that Zachary had to worry about his dad's annual party that was happening tomorrow.

While both boys were lost in thought, they ran into each other. Of course Jonah being older and stronger, he only stumbled back a bit, while Zachary fell to the ground being smaller and weaker. Jonah quickly came to his senses and helped poor Zachary up.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to run into you. I was lost in my thoughts" Jonah said giving the small boy a helping hand up.

"It's fine. I wasn't watching where I was walking either. I was also lost in my thoughts" Zachary replied letting out a slight chuckle at the end of his sentence. After Zachary was helped up by Jonah they stared at each other for a moment before Zachary snapped back into reality.

"I'm Zachary, but you can call me Zach." Zach had told the older boy holding his hand out for the taller boy to shake.

"I'm Jonah. It's a pleasure to meet you Zach" Jonah said gladly accepting the hand shake.

"You look new. I've never seen you around here before." Jonah said.

"Oh. Yeah kind of. My dad and I just moved over to this side of town. We used to live a while away, but over here is closer to his main office." Zach had said.

"Are you going to RidgeView High School?" Jonah asked Zach.

"I am, yeah." Zach had replied. By now, they were walking around the park they had run into each other at.

"Good. You have nothing to worry about. I'll be there as well." Jonah had said. Making Zach a little less stressed about school. He didn't know why but this Jonah kid made him feel safe.

"So" Jonah said breaking the silence "how old are you? You look pretty young." Jonah asked.

"I'm fifteen, but I turn sixteen in a couple of days. I should have some classes with you. I'm in all advanced classes and you don't look to be fourteen or fifteen." Zach said.

"Yeah. I just turned seventeen a couple months ago, and I hope we do have some classes together. That sounds interesting." Jonah had said. Zach just nodded his head symbolizing that he heard Jonah, but didn't want to say anything.

"So" Zach said. "What should I expect at this RidgeView?" Zach said. Jonah slightly chuckled.

"Um. Well, the school is crazy about sports and the principal makes everyone he can go to the pep rally's. We've never lost a football championship in three years." Jonah said.

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