Where Is The Pot?

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The couple is travelling.
Vashishtha says - we have to do a puja so that no negative energy enter the house. Ram along with Sita's idol and others sit for the puja. Vashishtha says - till the puja is going, no one will leave, negative energy might try to harm.
Lakshman says - don't know, how long will it take, hop we reach soon. They reach a dark place.
Lakshman says - it is so dark, how we will walk ahead
Urmila says - we have to be careful
Lakshman says - I know, no need to tell
Urmila says - swami , why you are asking
Lakshman - see, you started fighting
Urmila - sumitranandan, you started it
Lakshman - ok, leave it, we have to save our daughter
Both agree
A black wind blows and pushes them
Lakshman chants a mantra and remove it
A demon appears and says - you can't move ahead
Lakshman - please, move from our way
The demon disagree
Lakshman chants a mantra and kills him
Shurpanakha says - I will attack Ram now
A wind blows, Ram is been moving outside the circle
Vashishtha with a divine mantra ends the wind
Ram comes inside the circle
Shurpanakha chants a mantra and a terrible wind blows. The couple reach another place
Lakshman says - where we are
Urmila says - swami, this place is looking different
Lakshman - don't know, where we are
A demon appears. He says-you will be able to escape from this place.
The couple attack him together and move ahead
Lakshman says - there should be a way
They keep thinking and moving but can't find a place
Shurpanakha says - now, time is passing, only 1 hour left, now your daughter will die
They find a door of lava
Lakshman says - it must be the way, now we can go
Urmila says - yes, thank God, we should move
Lakshman says - we should use our powers
They use their powers but fail
Shurpanakha says - you can never move ahead because you don't know the secret
Lakshman says - now, what should we do, they see a trident
Lakshman says - trident
Urmila says -swami, this may be the way
Lakshman attack with the trident
The way opens, they get happy

Precap - they search for the pot

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