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Alec focused on the bull's-eye. When he was sure he was ready, he shut his eyes. His adopted brother Jace had dared him to hit the centre blind, and of course, Alec had accepted the challenge. He relaxed his whole body, channeling his focus through to to the tip of his arrow. The little competition had attracted a crowd ; freshmans, juniors, seniors, but the only thing Alec was aware of was his bow. As he released the string, the arrow whistled as it flew through the air, and as he heard a soft thud, he opened his eyes as the spectators gasped. As suspected, Alec had hit the target right in the centre. There was a chorus of whooping as Jace walked over and clapped him on the back.

 'Good job bro,' he said. Alec grinned at him.

'I told you I could do it,'

'And I didn't disagree,' smirked Jace. He gestured to the crowd. Standing at the front was a group of girls, all different ages, obviously ogling at Alec. He didn't know why particularly, he had always thought Jace, and his younger sister Izzy, were better looking than him, but the girls batting their eyelashes at him seemed to disagree.

 'Bad thing they can't have you though,' Jace had known Alec was gay for a year now, and was completely supportive about it, even if it still really pissed Alec off when he made jokes about it.

 'Is it a bad thing?' Alec looked at the flirting girls and fake gagged at Jace, who snorted and tried to muffle a laugh. 'Oh, and you do realise i'm still holding a bow?' Alec asked with a mischievous smile, causing his electric blue eyes to sparkle.

'Ohhhh, come at me bro!' Jace shouted playfully, trying to size up his 6 foot 1 elder brother. They both broke into laughter. Although their height differences, they both were trained fighters - Jace in boxing and Alec in martial arts - and were pretty evenly matched.

 'ALEC!' A familiar voice yelled from across the room. A tall girl wearing 5-inch, knee high heels and an oversized pink woollen sweater tucked into a black mini-skirt was strutting quickly towards them.

'Hey Izz,' the two brothers said in unison as they pulled her into a hug. Even in her heels, Izzy wasn't as tall as Alec.

 'Alec, that shot was amazing , think of all the gay and bi guys that could have seen that!' And there was Izzy, Alecs' number one relationship adviser and overall annoying sister.

'Think of how much I would want to kill you if you say that again!' Alec replied mocking her tone. Izzy pouted, but then giggled childlishly as he ruffled her hair.

 'That took ages this morning!' as Izzy flattened her once pristine hair. Jace snorted yet again. Jace snorted a lot. Alec glanced around the room at the slowly dispersing crowd, but something, or somebody, caught his eye. Staring at him was a gorgeous, tanned guy, dressed in a pair of tight black jeans, a shirt with 'Blink if you want me' written in silver sequins on the front and a red leather duster slung over his shoulders. His hair was spiked and decorated with glitter and around his eyes was black eye shadow with black eyeliner, making him look like he had popped out of a fashion magazine. His eyes were what had caught his attention, but not because of the make-up ; even from a distance, Alec could see the captivating mixture of green and yellow that gave them a feline feel. As they realised that they were staring at each other, Alec blushed a deep crimson and looked down quickly as the mysterious stranger smiled. He has a nice smile, Alec thought, but quickly wiped it. By the Angel, he didn't even know the guy.

'Alec...Helloooo!' Luckily, his train of thought was interrupted by Jace, who was staring at him. 'And your back with us. We've got lessons in ten minutes, and me and Izzy have both got to get to the other side of campus. We've gotta go, cause otherwise im gonna get a detention and Mum will be pretty angry,' Alec thought of an angry Maryse. His mother wasn't an angry person and was surprisingly fun, but Angry Maryse was scary. 'You've got music right? That's , like, a minute from here. Im not gonna ask, we're going.'

'It's fine, thanks for asking,' Alec had a reputation for being sassy. Not gay sassy, but generally sarcastic. 'Simon will be in music, and he's always early' he said, wiggling his eyebrows at his sister as he packed away his bow and quiver. That received a glare from her and yet again another  snort from Jace. The two siblings looked at the blonde with strange expressions.

 'Are you  alright?' Izzy asked.

'Yeah, why?' replied Jace, obviously oblivious to his annoying habit.

'Shut the fuck up snorting then,' Izzy said. Jace looked offended and still confused which made Alec chuckle. Jace was actually very smart like the other two, but generally very slow.

 'I'll come with you too the lockers to dump this, then I'll head off,' Alec said.

The three talked about Izzy's' love life as they walked down the hallway. She was always with a different boy, all of them different, but all slightly rebellious. That's why it had come to a shock when she had announced that she was dating Simon Lewis. He was Clarys' - Jaces' girlfriend - best friend and was nothing exact the opposite of rebellious. He was a nerd, loved Star Wars, Dungeons and Dragons and was a musician, not into motorcycles and leather jackets like Izzy's' usual's. When Alec thought about it, that was how he would describe Jace. The thought of Izzy and Jace dating made him want to be sick.  As they came up to Alec's locker the Izzy pulled him into a hug. 'What was that for?' he asked, looking down lovingly on her.

'Nothing really. I love you big bro, no other boy could change that, you know ?' Izzy said, looking into his eyes. He smiled down on her and kissed the top of her head. 

'Love you too Izz.' Alec said. Jace muttered in his highly sarcastic tone,

' I am rejected and-' but he was cut of as Izzy and Alec both crashed into him. The three burst into laughter as they shared the hug and Jace said,' Well, I love you guys too,' and they smiled at each other. They were interrupted by the five minute warning bell and Jace looked at Izzy worriedly before spinning to Alec. 'Shit, see you later bro,' he said before sprinting of. Izzy looked alarmed and as she followed after him, shouted back at her brother,

 'Bye Alec!' before fully turning and catching Jace up on her heels. That's pure skill Alec thought and he smiled too himself as he watched them both. As he locked his bow and quiver back in his locker, he couldn't help but think of the handsome stranger he had seen only minutes before.


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