Chapter 19

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i was falling, falling...


Falling down

And there was nothing for me here afyer all i am emo. I could feel the blood on my face and my arms and my body like there was serioauxly blood severywhere i got hit be a car like fr

I couldnt geel anything else i was floating im a sea of plIn and apathy. I felr jungkooks soft touch and he kissed my forehead then there was nothing again

I lnew they were operating. I knew they were trying to save me but what dud i have left?? Only junsgkiik...ive only ever had him

Maybe i can see my parnet s again. And phoebe s parents. And phoebes butler, everyone i loved was dead.

I slowly lost consciouslness
And fell
And fell


The operation was a success.

I brought lauren to a recovery rroom because it would take a while to get better considering she actually got hurt like 2 years ago. Then i left to give junsk the good news.

"Jungkook," i said. "I have news about lauren."

There were four girls and a man dressed like a bee around him. They all held hands and waited for my news.

Abby was wearing a baseball cap and a fanny pack with leggings  hightops and cool makeup. Ahe was beautiful i had to give her my number later.

The bee man was wearing a track-suit and little elastic wings. His jacket said "Ho-bee" on it like a team sport jacket and it looked cool it was white and black.

Sydney had wavy hair with a flowy shirt and long skirt she had a bag on her shoulder that had her keys in it and the bag said BOHO INDIE HIPSTER FESTIVAL CHIC and she was totally chic. She had sandals too

Krystal and phoebe were wearing black leggings and shirts like they were trying to be sneaky and i wondered why they were sneaking around like that.

I took a deep breath "Lauren is...

"Going to be ok! The surgery weht great and shes just recovering rn ahell be back on her feet in like a day."

"Phew!" Said jusnk "i was worried!! I love her!"

"Yeah haha i know youre so into her"

Phoeve anf hobee started hugging and hopping up and down and abby and sydney high fived! "We did it!" They all said. "Lauren is safe!! Jo and kaz iare so gonna get in trouble for this, they will leave us alone forever!"

Then the nurse called me and i picked up my phone. "Hello? This is dr jin...oh no...oh no! ...Ok thank you for telling me have a nice day."

They all stopped cheering"What is it?"5hey asked.

"Lauren has been shot and will not survive. Im sorry."

Jokauk fell tp his kneews. "NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"

I loved maya...i would do anything for her...she was beautiful and opened my eyes to a whole new world of what we could be. She also picked out a lot of cute black clothes for me so bow that im an assassin i owned alot more leather. She was so pretty ong

When she asked me to kill lauren, of course i said yes. I would do anything for her. She got a call while we were on a date and said that kaz and jo hit lauren wit h her car and needed s to finish the job of course i said yes baby and we kidssed then put on badass black clothes and came to the hospital to wait for lauren.

While we were waiting we laid on our back on the roof of the building next to the hospital and looked at the stars. I pointed up. "That one remind mes mof you mayays," i said. "It shines brighter than all the rest of them."
"Thats a black hole, silly. Theres nothing there but void."

"That too," i said. "And its beautiful." And i kissed her lips and iteas like fireworks and we laud in each others arms and watched the sky.

After a while i sat up and looked in the hospital to find that lauren was in a hospital room and less hurt from jos car. "Ok im gonna kill her" i said pulling out a long sniper gun and looking in the sight.

"You kick her ass baby i got ur flower" mshe giggled, kissing my cheek.

Then i shot her and i heard her flatline and i let go of the gun and started making out with maya really hard!!! She was so beautiful i wanted to make out with her all the time!!!!! And lauren was fead now so motheing was standing between our true love!

So lauren was dead like whatever

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