Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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Selena POV

"Evan, sweetie, you need to put on your shoes. Your dad will be here any minute to pick you up!" I tiredly said to my two-year old son.

"No mommy, jump!" He smiled while jumping on his bed.

"Evan, don't you remember the story about the five little monkeys? They all fell and bumped their heads!" I groaned. I went to grab him, but he dodges my movement and dashed past me and ran down the hall.

I plopped myself on his bed and ran my hand over my face and then through my hair. I've been so tired lately, barely gotten any sleep because of him. I love my son with all my heart, but I just wish he would sleep longer than 4 hours a night.

"Mama, why is Evan running around the house yelling about the five little monkeys?" My 6-year old daughter, Esther asked.

"Because I told him to stop jumping on the bed." I answer and got up and followed Esther to where Evan was.

We both walked down the hall and down the short stair case to the living room where he was sitting down playing with one of Esther's puzzles.

The door bell rung and I gave Esther, Evan's shoes to put on him and walked to answer the door. When I opened the door, a huge smile appeared on my face.

"Finally, you're here! Your son is driving me insane." I said to Ryan.

"Aw, he can't be that bad." Ryan laughed and came into the house. "EVAN!" Ryan yelled, and we heard the patter of little feet and Evan came into the small foyer yelling "daddy" with his arms opened wide.

"Hey bud." Ryan smiled and kissed his forehead. "You ready to spend time with me?"

"Yes!" Evan cheered.

Ryan followed me into the living room while holding Evan and asked me about Justin. My heart skipped a beat and I had to hold back a tear as I lied straight through my teeth.

"He's fine." I lied. Honestly, I didn't know how Justin was. We haven't talked directly to each other in years. Kaylie has been our communicator and we were all going to sit down and talk to each other as a family, however with Kaylie's boss needing her to stay, I doubt Justin will meet with just me.

"That's good." Ryan smiled. Ryan and Justin haven't talked each other since Justin found out I was pregnant and that the baby could possibly be Ryan's. I feel bad that I'm the one that broke up their friendship, but another part of me is saying that Justin needs to get over it because of all the things he has done to me in the past.

"Well, Evan and I are going to go." Ryan spoke, catching me out of my thoughts. He grabbed Evan's overnight bag, and we all said bye and once Ryan left and buckled Evan safely in the car, I locked the door and went up to my room and plopped right on my bed.

After I found out I was 4 and a half months pregnant, I refused to find out who the baby's father was right then. Justin pushed me to do it, but I fought back. I was not going to let doctors stick needles in my stomach. That angered Justin to the point he moved out about 2 months later. Ryan knew I was pregnant but didn't know he could possibly be the baby's father until I was 7 months pregnant when Kaylie spilled the truth to him. That night, Ryan showed up on my doorstep, soaking wet from the storm that was happening asking if it was true. When I told him yes, he never left my side. Even though he knew that there was a possibility that he also wasn't the father. Ryan stayed with me, unlike Justin who ignored my presence until I gave birth.

The only reason Justin showed up for the birth of my son was because he thought I was going to have the doctor's do a DNA test but again, I refused. I thought it was still too early and I was just too scared. Justin was a great guy and so was Ryan and I didn't want to lose any of them. Justin stayed for about an hour after Evan was born and when he realized I wasn't going to get a DNA test he left. I first named my son, Evan Reese Gomez.

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