Chapter 10: Useless

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Justin's POV

            It was near 11 at night when my phone rung, waking me up from my sleep. Hailey laid still beside me, the call not affecting her. I groaned profanities, but answered the phone anyway, not bothered to look at the caller ID.

            "Hello?" I mumbled into the phone. The other line stayed silent for a while, until I heard movement a few seconds later. I repeated, 'hello' until I heard a panicked Kaylie on the other end.

            "Daddy!" She rushed, her voice shaking and filled with sobs. "Help!"

            I sat up straight in bed, my head pounded at how fast I did so. "Kaylie? Kaylie, hon, what's wrong?" My voice mimicked her own panic.

            "Mo—om." She sobbed out. I heard rushed voices in the background along with a siren. I heard heavy doors being shut, along with more crying.

            "Kaylie, tell me what is happening." I demanded. I was getting out of bed at this time, putting on my closest shoes and slipping on a shirt.

            "Hospital." Was all she said before she hung up. My mind was racing just as I was struggling to gather my wallet and car keys. How come it was when you needed your car keys in a rush, you couldn't find them?

            I found them after what seemed hours and looked over to Hailey to see her still fast asleep. Instead of waking her up, I quietly, but hurriedly got out of the house and to my truck. I would text Hailey later and let her know what was happening.

            Too many thoughts came to my mind. What was wrong with Selena? Why was she going to the hospital? Then other thoughts came to mind on why she would need to go to the hospital.

            One specific thought came to mind although I didn't want to believe it. Could she not handle me getting married to someone else? No, that couldn't be. Selena would never leave her children like that.

            I was at least going 10 miles over the speed limit, praying I did not get a ticket on the way to the hospital. It was a 20-minute ride at least, however I got there in 15, but it felt like hours.

            Déjà vu. That's what I felt, as I pulled up to the parking lot. When I turned my car to park, the memories came flooding back—the painful memories.

            When Kaylie was four and had called me, but I ignored her. The flashback images came back of me seeing them in that wrecked car, bruises and cuts all over their faces and body.

            I remembered how scared Kaylie had been, and how she didn't even want to be around me. How I remember her voice when she asked me why I didn't answer, that she and her mom needed me.

            I had failed them.

            My feet curried me into the hospital, the smell consuming me. I barely remember what I said, but I found myself in front of my children who were being comforted by a woman dressed nicely.

            Social worker, perhaps?

            "Hello Mr. Bieber." The woman greeted with a smile, "my name is Emma, I am a Child Life Specialist for the hospital." She introduced and I looked at her weirdly. A child life specialist? I have never heard of those before.

            Emma soon left us alone and said if we needed anything to not hesitate and ask the nurses for her. I nodded at her and was left with my daughters and Evan.

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