Chapter 7: No More Secrets...For Now

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Justin's POV

"Justin, I think it's about time we talk." I heard Hailey's voice from the doorway of my home office.

"About?" I asked curiously.

"You know about what." She sighed. "Justin, I am not marrying you until I've properly met your children. Do they even know I exist? Does Selena even know you're dating again?" Hailey rambles and I rubbed my temples. I seriously thought she would be over this after many times of reassurance.

I stood up. "Hailey bear, of course they know about you and I, they, I just need time to organize a proper meeting." I sighed myself.

"My foot still holds its ground; Justin Bieber, I am not becoming Hailey Bieber until I have met your children. I haven't even met your friends!"


"I feel like you don't even really love me, you're just using me to move on, or at least prove to yourself that you have moved on." Hailey said with tears forming in her eyes. "Until you've learned to be able to show me off, I'm going to go stay with a friend."

"Hailey, no," I began, "are you breaking up with me?"

"Of course not, Justin. We're engaged, I'm not giving up on that. But I haven't even told my family or friends that I'm engaged because you don't want to risk it coming out, you're holding it back like a big secret." Hailey finished off and then grabbed a suitcase and duffle that was on the outside of my office door and walked out of my condo. I followed after her, however, she was dead set on leaving. I didn't stop her. There was no way I could stop her. Once Hailey had her mind set on something, there was no changing her mind.

"Will I still see you at church?" I asked hopeful. She gave me a quick smile before disappearing into the elevator.

Walking back into my condo, I immediately felt lonely and wish I could stop being a scared ass and just introduce Hailey to Kaylie and Esther. I mean, Selena's new boytoy has already met and got approval from the kids so why am I afraid?

Maybe it's because how I treated them in the past. How I just packed up and left with no proper and appropriate goodbye. I regret my decision and how I handled it every day. Kaylie hates me for it, Esther resents me for it, Selena sees me as a sorry excuse as an ex-husband and father to her children.

I went into the kitchen and poured myself a small glass of whiskey before I went back to my office and drowned myself in paperwork and scheduling meetings. Ten minutes in my phone buzzed and I smiled to the happy text I got from my sister.

From: Jazzy Jaz

Yo big bro, I'll be in town with Gracie next weekend (; better have an expensive present waiting for me.

Jazmyn was off to college with her best friend, or sister from another woman, Gracie who also happens to be Selena's younger sister. Great, they'll be here for the next weekend. Not only did I have my kids and Selena to tell about Hailey, but I had my mother and sister to worry about too.

The next day I decided to pay a visit to Selena's house. When I arrived, lucky for me she was home and Kaylie was not. Ringing the doorbell, my blood pumped through my heart fast and I had no idea why I was nervous. Maybe it's because I haven't been to Selena's house since she moved out the mansion when I literally threatened her.

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