Chapter 15: Big Moves

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Selena's POV

I took one more look around the empty house, remember the past memories so far that not only this house has given me, but Florida, my home.

"Ready to go?" Shiloh asked coming up behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders giving them a quick, tight squeeze. "We've got an 18-hour trip to Dallas."

"Yeah, I'm ready," I breathed out. It was currently 7 in the morning and we had a long trip ahead of us. We would only be taking a break once, sleeping in a hotel once we arrived at Baton Rouge around 8 in the evening.

I ended up selling my car and would be getting a new one once we arrived and got settled in Dallas. Shiloh was driving the big moving truck, which was packed, I was driving Shiloh's truck with Esther and Evan strapped in and Kaylie was driving her own truck. Since we would be combining households, Shiloh and I decided to buy new furniture for the living room, kitchen and our master bedroom and we had that furnished the second time we went to visit Dallas to close on the house. Thankfully, I was smart enough to buy the kids bedroom sets they could grow into, even up through their teen years.

"Mom, we definitely need to stop by Starbucks, first. I need caffeine." Kaylie moaned and I laughed.

"We can do that." I said and wrapped my arm around her shoulder and walked us out the house.

"I can't wait to see the new house." Esther beamed. "Is there a big backyard? Or maybe a pool?"

"You'll have to wait and see." I teased.

"Mom, you can't even tell me. I swear if you got a house with an inground pool once I move out, I'm going to be upset."

I laughed. "You just might be upset then, sweetheart."

Justin pulled into the driveway and quickly stepped out just putting his car in park, not even turning it off. "I know you have a long car ride; I just came to say goodbye—again."

Esther and Kaylie went up to their dad and gave him a big hug. Sadly, Ryan had to go back to Canada a few days before we left so he couldn't see Evan before the long car ride but said he would come visit Dallas within a month or two.

"Please be safe on the road. I love you all. Call me when you get to Louisiana, then once again in Texas." Justin said. "I will try to come visit, but Hailey is soon to give birth within a month."

"It's okay dad, we'll try to come visit." Kaylie said.

"Promise me you'll behave away at college?"

"Promise dad. No parties, no boys, just homework and working." Kaylie sighed and crossed her arms.

"That's my girl."

"Hate to rush this, but we got to go, especially if Kaylie wants her Starbucks!" Shiloh said. Justin said, 'of course,' and said his last of goodbyes before leaving.

"Kaylie, is Trent coming to say goodbye?" I asked and she shook her head no with a sad look on her face. "What about George? Tori and Andy came to say goodbye yesterday, but no George."

"Trent's mad at me and George is, I don't know. I don't think he's happy with me either. Everyone hates me."

"Not everyone, Kells." I said and pulled her in for a hug. "Now let's go so we can get on this road before Shiloh has a heart attack."


We arrived in Baton Rouge around 9 that night and stayed at a hotel. Kaylie roomed with the kids and Shiloh and I had the room to our self. We left the next morning around 6 and made it to Dallas by 1 that afternoon. The city was thriving, and I noticed Esther looking around in awe as Evan was taking a nap.

"Mom, do we have furniture at the house?" Esther asked, still staring out of the window as I pulled onto the street of our house.

"Well, the house is already set up with our living room, kitchen and my bedroom. Shiloh and I just have to put up yours, Evan's and Kaylie's bedroom."

Our house was located just a little under 15 minutes away from Dallas in University Park, Texas. The house was brick, with an inground pool, a 3-car garage, and a movie theater in the basement. The house had 5 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms. Not going to lie, the house was expensive, and I didn't know Shiloh had that kind of money. Both our names were on the lease though, so it was just as much of my house as it was his.

We pulled up into the driveway behind Shiloh as he backed the moving truck up and Esther let out a squeal of excitement. "It's beautiful!"

I got out of the truck and helped Esther out then got Evan out who was still fast asleep. Kaylie pulled in and when she got out, her mouth hung open.

"Of course, you get this amazing house once I move away!"

"You're always welcome to visit." I laughed.

"Mom," Kaylie said and leaned her head on my shoulder, "I'm proud of you. I've seen you go through so much and it sadden me when I couldn't make you happy during the low times."

"Oh honey," I began, "I love you so much, always, okay?"

"Always and forever mom."

The End.


how many years of this story and i'm finished?? yeah, kinda rushed, but excited to close this chapter

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