Chapter 4: Fake Boyfriend....Ex Friends

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unedited - above is Selena's house + Mackenzie Zielger "Nothing on Us" video bc she was Kaylie when Kaylie was 4-6 and now MacKenzie is 14 the right age Kaylie was in "Never Grow Up" and she LOOKS LIKE SELENA AT THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO HOLY CRAP.


Selena's POV –

"Selena, you look fine and you will be okay. I promise my parents are not that bad." Shiloh reassured me as I stared at my reflection in the mirror in my bedroom.

Tonight, was the night that my children and I would be having dinner with Shiloh and his parents. Only Shiloh and I knew that our relationship was fake—we had to put on a good show in front of everyone else.

"I'm just not a good liar. Never was." I sighed. "What if your parents see right through me?"

"Good thing my parents aren't good at looking through lies." Shiloh laughed. "Now come on, your children are waiting patiently downstairs and my parents are probably already on their way to the restaurant. My parents are big on punctuality."

With that, my eyes went wide, and I hurriedly grabbed my purse and went down the stairs. Shiloh was laughing, and I peeped my head back and made a movement with my hands to tell Shiloh to hurry.

My three children were sitting in the living room on the couch waiting for Shiloh and I. Kaylie was on her phone, Esther and Evan playing on their tablets.

"Alright my children, let's go." I clapped my hands. "We'll be riding in Shiloh's truck. Shiloh, did you get the car seats?"

"Of course. Safety first." Shiloh smiled.

Esther and Evan met Shiloh yesterday so they wouldn't be surprised with today's events. They seemed to be okay with him, as much as any 6-year-old and 2-year-old would be with strangers.

Everyone buckled into Shiloh's 2017 GMC Yukon. "Alright, let's get this over with." I sighed in nervousness.

"Mom, you're just meeting his parent's, not getting married." Kaylie chuckled from the back seat. "I've never seen you so nervous to meet someone's parents."

"It's just the circumstances." I replied. "You know, so out of the blue. Didn't have months to prepare."

"Mommy, they will love you." Esther added in. "You're very nice."

"Thanks, Es." I smiled. "My children sure know how to make me feel better."

About 30 minutes passed before we pulled up in front of the Osteria restaurant. I took in a deep breath before we all got out of the car, Shiloh helping Evan for me. Esther was able to unbuckle herself from her booster seat.

Shiloh had Evan on his left hip as he placed his right hand on the small of my back and leaned down in my ear. "You'll be fine."

Once we entered the restaurant, we were taken to our table of were 8 seats were available, although there would be only 7 of us.

Esther sat at one end of the table and to her left, Shiloh sat, and two empty chairs were left open for his parents. On the other side of the table, to Esther's right sat me, Evan and then Kaylie.

The waitress came to take our orders for a drink, and as much as I wanted wine to calm my nerves, I decided on a Coke and a water. Since this restaurant didn't really have kid-friendly menus, I let Esther order a Sierra Mist and mentally cheered that I remembered to grab Evan's backpack and pack his sippy cup of juice.

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