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Alfie's POV:

I didn't want to admit it but I was looking for her. If she was a Youtuber maybe she was going to be at Playlist too. Marcus was babbling I tuned him out until he said, "I found her!" I looked in the direction he was pointing and saw nothing, I turned to him, "What the hell man?" Marcus said, "I knew you were looking for her, but dude you don't even know her." He didn't understand, hell neither did  I but I felt like I did know her.

Zoe's POV:

It was time to board and that's when I saw him. He was talking to Marcus again, but he looked like he was searching. I kinda hoped it was for me and at the same time I was hoping he wasn't. Ducking behind a crowd of teens I made it onto the plane without him finding me but, knowing my luck, I couldn't have been more wrong.

Sitting down by the window I started looking out when two people came up to my seat and tapped me on the shoulder, I turned to look and saw it was my mystery boy for the first time I heard his voice, he said "Hi it's nice to meet you my name is Alfie Deyes and it looks like we are going through this flight together." I nodded and started stuttering finally regaining my composure I said, "My name's Zoe and yea I guess we are." I nodded towards Marcus he sat down at the aisle so that left me next to Alfie.  

Alfie's POV:

It was like someone had planned to have us meet. Marcus saw her before I did and suddenly said he needed the aisle so he could get to the bathroom, his 'wonderful butt' wasn't agreeing with him. When we made our way to our seats I saw why he said it. I introduced myself to her and learned her real name was Zoe. It was beautiful and I was glad Marcus put us next to us, although she seemed nervous. I would need to change that I wanted her to be comfortable with me.

After a few hours Zoe had fallen asleep her head had fallen onto my shoulder but I didn't bother to move it, I new nothing about this girl and yet having her sleep on me just felt right somehow.

I suddenly awoke a flight attendant looked at me and said, "Do you and your girlfriend want something to eat?" I looked at her and said "No thanks, and she's not my girlfriend." Where had Marcus gone?

Zoe's POV:

I woke up and found myself lying on Alfie I don't remember how I got there but he was asleep and I didn't want to disturb him, so I pretended to be asleep again. When the flight attendant asked him about us I couldn't help but wish I was his girlfriend I was liking this boy and all we really knew was each other's names. This was going to be a disaster, but it felt like a beautiful one.

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