lock and key

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~Dawn's pov~ 

As I stepped threw the door my father immediately came up to me. "Young lady i am very disappointed in you, both of us in fact." I talk back quickly. "Father i have not asked much from any of you and mother so now  i'm asking you, please don't make me marry plea-" "NO...you will marry him, he will offer a good home. He is rich and this is to make sure you start acting like the lady you will be and you will stop this rebelliousness at once. Which will mean you will no longer step foot into the woods and you will do everything we tell you to do." i just stare back at him no words coming out ~He's going to lock me up, no he can't~ my mother comes up and to me and takes my hand leading me away from my fuming father. "Dawn please understand we are doing this for your own good.....and you must learn your place you are the daughter of a noble man which makes you a lady and you must start acting like one" she says and turns away locking the door behind her. I look up from staring at the floor and and see that i have a guard and not just any my good old friend Dagen. He looks so different than when I last saw him, his short brown hair now down to his shoulders and his body fram much bigger and bulkier build though he shouldn't be here which has me confused but yet happy. As i go and hug him since i haven't seen him in four years but i would know those eyes any where i ask him why her is here. "Dagen what are you doing here, you said that you and your family were moving to Windmoor?" i say as i let go of him. He stays quiet for a minute and soon his voice is sounded threw the room. "I know D but we had moved back because there was an attack on Windmoor and my Uncle had stayed here to keep our home, my father had perised in the attack and when we got here your parents say me and asked if by chance I could be a guard for their daughter and i'm pretty sure they did not realise it was me who they were talking to". He said laughing and i allowed a small chuckle to escape my lips. "So tell me D when do you need a gaurd?" he said all serious which caused me to sigh. "After you left Dagen I had started to practice deeper in the woods with Raven and since then they have been trying to keep me away from the woods but that never happends and now they are marring me off to Lord Mildsons son Hector." I say 

~Dagen's pov~ 

When Dawn said the name Hector Mildson  I then thought back to the attack on Windmoor when I attack a enemie.

Flash back 

All i could see as my father and me ran around trying to get the helpless to shelter from the hail of arrows and the rain of magic was fire, screams of pain and the death of their friends and loveed ones dying right in front of them. Death of  children and full blown families. "Dagen go find the any survivers while i go find the Brighttalons then go to your mother". my father shouts as we fight of men without magic. I node my head and run finding only a few survivers and bring them down with at least eighty to hundred survivers. My Grandfather the leader of the Brighttalons had stationed at least fifteen of our order with the citizens to make sure they stayed safe. As i handed a baby to Markus i spotted my father get pinned down by  a mage. i started to run to him with Markus calling me back to the shelter, but i ignored him. Right as i got to the mage i see my father breath his last. "NOOOOOOOOO." i takle the man to the ground and punch him telling him to tell me who sent them. All the man does is chuckle and says " You will never get Lord Hector." As he breaths his last and i am dragged away from his body by Markus and my grandfather. Who ever this Hector is i am going to kill him. 

End of Flash back  

"-en,DAGEN!" i snap out of the memory and see Dawn staring right at me concern in her eyes. "Dagen are alright?" "nothing you need to worry about D...its just a memory, yea just a memory" i mumble the last part and she just looks at me. "Right, you know you can tell me anything Dagen your like a brother to me." i chuckle at that " I know how could i forget". I say and smile to her. I then hear foot steps coming this way. "Some ones coming." I say as i go to the window while Dawn goes and sits on her bed with a angry glare facing me and i do the same with her in case its one of her Parents. The door opends and in steps her father "Dawn I know you don't like this and i know i should not have lost my temper but you will be meeting with Lord Milson's son tomorrow and i do not want any arguement about it, Dagen your room is connected to my daughters room through that door to the right." He says closing the door and locking it. Dawn huffs and goes to her closet and then behind her chnging rack while i turn away to give her privacy. "I swear if that man does something i am going to personally hit him in the face and Dagen you can do that to and possibly more if you see fit." Dawn says as her bed covers move around to signal that she is in her bed. I Turn around " Oh it will be my pleasure to do so D, well good night." "Night Dagen." 

                                                     Heres is Dagen (Day-ganis how you say it)

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                                                     Heres is Dagen (Day-ganis how you say it)

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