10 years ago

3 1 0

~Dawn's pov she is 7 1/2 right now~ 

I was siting out in the field right by the village and I soon saw something move in the tall grass. Getting slightly curiouse but also afraid i sat still and soon came out a wolf pup that came right up to me. I laughed and giggled and soon it ran back into the grass, not thinking I went in after it and followed it into the woods. Soon i lost track of it and thats when i noticed I was in the forest that Mama always told me not to go in. Walking around because i did not see what made it so dangerous about being in the woods. Walking to a clearing I see a woman tan like dress in the poor folks clothing tending to plants and picking several others at times and puting them in a pot. She then turns around and spots me. "What is a child doing out here, its dangerous with what happends out here in the wood". The woman says coming to me. "I was playing with a baby wolf and then when it left i chased it into here without thinking and now i'm lost". I say looking down. She soon come up to me and takes my hand. "You child have witch blood that I why you are not that afraide of the forest as much as the people from the village". the Woman says and I look up to her. "Mama says that witches should be burned at the steak because they are evil and crule, your not going to hurt me are you?" I asked getting scared of the woman now. "No I am not going to hurt you, tell me are you fasinated with the woods and magic? and yes most witches are crule. Although there are some good witchs, but very few. I am a good witch". She explained to me. "I have loved to learn magic but when I told mama that she had gotten angry and told me that they bring nothing but death". "I understand what you mean little one. My mother and father were the same but some of my family were witches and warlocks". I look up at her and I notice that she has pale blue eyes, dark tanned skin, and ebony black frizzled hair. "My name is Raven, whats yours little one". "Dawn". I say. Soon it starts to become night and Raven takes me home. As we step out of the woods Raven wakes me. "Come back tomarrow and I will help you become a witch little one". She tells me and i nod my head and start running home. That was ten years ago.      

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