New Place, New Home

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~Dawns pov~

I wake up in a dark room and laying on something fairly soft and comfy. ~What happened...wait, Hector, Nicholas, Dagen, Raven...THE ATTACK~ I sit up straight and move off the thing. taking one step forward with my arms out in front of me I walk. Taking slow steps I continue forward. "Wait I have fire, even if its a small flicker." I grumble to my self and light mt finger tips on fire. looking in front of me I see I was about to run into a couch with someone sleeping on it. Moving closer I see its Nicholas. Looking around and moving around the room as quietly as I can I go over to what looks like a curtain. Pulling it back slightly I see that it is possibly almost evening or Dawn. I then hear a door open. Turning around I see a figure at the door and didn't notice that Nicholas had gotten up because when he put his hand on my shoulder I jumped and turned around seeing him there. "Dawn its okay he won't hurt you, he is my father," I relax as he says that and turn around to see Nicholas father lighting a candle with magic. Nicholas then steers me to the couch, he sits down and motions me to sit by him. I do and immediately ask him "Is Raven and Dagen fine, please tell me there fine." I say with fear lacing my voice. "Dawn there fine they came here a little later beaten and all but they are fine. My father helped to heal you and them they are fine and resting." I let out a breath i didn't know i was holding and burst into tears of happiness that causes Nicholas and his father to both look at me with wide eyes and a little in shock. I look to Nicholas and hug him to saying thank you over and over again. I then hear a knock at the door and Nickolas father goes and looks out it then opens it wide. There I see Dagen and Raven. I unlatch myself from Nicholas and go to them immediately "Your alive. Your alive, thank the stars above". "More like thank the stars above about you, because you were dying, we were much better off than you were." "Wait I almost died?" I ask shocked. "You do remember when Hector shot that spell at you. Don't you?" Raven ask. " I only remember when he came to us then that's it." I say "Well now it seems like he wants you dead." "Dagen!" Nicholas hissed at him. "D-de-dead, I see..." I say blacking out.

~Ravens Pov~

"Now look at what you did." I say whacking Dagen on the forehead and going over to Dawn. "Well lets get her on the couch." I sigh out. "Here she will wake up faster if she smells this. Silvan says handing me a jar of something I uncork it and immediately cover my nose along with everyone else. "Father what is that?" Nicholas ask with a horrified look on his face along with Dagen. "A plant that is everywhere in the Dark Marshes." Is all he replies with while covering his nose. I Then put the jar under Dawns nose and she bolts up right crawling away from it while trying to cover her nose. "WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL IS THAT?" She asks as I cork it. "Some kind of plant that Silvan had". I say looking at him.

~Dawns pov~

when Raven looks to Nicholas's father I look over and see that I can now see him in better light now that all the candles are all lite up. He wasn't as pale as Nicholas because he seemed to be a little more tanned. he had dark black hair a little different from Nicholas hair and instead of blue eyes he had warm honey brown eyes. Dagen comes over and helps me up. "Sorry for saying that Dawn and I had forgotten that you could get easily spooked." He say and i punch him in his gut making him double over. "Message received." "Lord Silvan thank you for helping me and my friends." I say bowing my head because i still refuse to curtsy. He then laughs. "No need for formalities of friend of my son and long time friend Raven. They deserve not to call me formally." He says going to his desk and sitting down. Raven then sits down on the smaller couch for two and Dagen sits down by her While me and Nicholas sit down on the bigger couch. "Well while we are all right, father can I ask you something?" "You can ask me anything, you know that." "Haha, yes of course, well I was wondering if Raven, Dagen, and Dawn can stay with us since Hector now knows where they stay." Nicholas ask and I turn my head so fast that i could have snapped my neck while Dagen and Raven did the same thing. Silvan looks up from writing and looks right at his son then to everyone else and lastly me. His eyes staying on me the longest. "Raven and Dagen will be fine since they can tell that Dagen is a werewolf and that Raven is a witch, but Dawn I believe will either need to stay with someone at all times since its hard to tell if she has power of not and since she has the aura of just a regular human. The only way I was able to tell that she had power is because I had learned that from Raven when we had known each other for only a year." "I will watch her but Raven plans on traveling to the city of Hillfar because she had gotten a message from an old friend of her mentor." Dagen says "Its true I got a letter this morning from Gusto saying it was urgent so I will be leaving once the cover of night has come." Raven confirms. "How did he even know you were here?" Silvan asks. "That old man has his ways." is all she says about it. Soon a knock comes from the door. "Come in." Silvan answers. "Lord Dusk there is a werewolf here by the name of Markus. He says that late last night I had finally caught the sent of one of the Brighttalons here." "Dagen do you know someone by that name?" Silvan asks Dagen. "Yeah let him come in." Not a moment later a very tall tanned male with bright blond hair steps in. "Dagen finally I found you, your mother and grandfather have been worried sick about you and had sent me to find you. Your grandfather is calling a meeting for all of us so that we can start repairing the town and get its defenses up stronger." "I know who ordered the attack, if I tell you can I stay here?" Dagen asks. "I'm sorry but you can't because...because your grandfather is very ill, they don't think he will make it and they will need you there to take his place for if he dies." "What?...I can't lose him I lost my father only a few months ago." Markus looks like he is about to cry. "Nicholas can you make sure nothing happened to Dawn, she's like my sister." Nicholas stands up and gos over and put a hand on Dagens shoulder. "I will." He promises. I stand up and so does Dagen. "Stay safe Dawn and don't cause to much trouble ." Dagen says Ruffling my hair and then hugging me. All I can do is nod to keep myself from crying, seems like i'm doing that a lot today. Soon him and Markus leave. "Well it looks like I should be going to, Dawn keep practicing, you will be great I just know it. Until we meet again." Then she's out the door. "You okay Dawn?" Nicholas asks and then I break down and begin to weep. "Th-the-there gone, w-wh-who kn-knows when i-i'll see th-them." I say. "Hey it will be okay, you can still message Dagen and i'm sure Raven won't be gone for long, possibly only a month. Sssh." "Common i will show you the court yard it's beautiful when the sun comes out." Nicholas says while standing from his crouching position and holding out his hand. I grab it and we make our way out of the room saying good by to Silvan.

~Nicholas pov~

As we start walking down the halls I see several vampires look our way. "Dawn give me your hand." "Why?" "Unless you want to be a meal I say you give me your hand." She then gives me her hand and I wrap my hand around hers and give an icy glare at the other vampires. and we walk away. "Keep a hold of my hand until we are outside." I tell her as we round a corner and i see Tallon. "YOU!" He looks right at her and I move her behind me causing him to look at me. "Lord Nicholas...if you don't mind me asking why is she here." He says in a agitated voice much to my disliking. "She is here to stay with us since Raven and her friend had to go away for a while, now if you will excuse us." I say brining Dawn from behind me and to my side wrapping a protective arm around her waist. Tallon looks pissed when he sees the action and what I say. He turns and soon walks away. "I'm sorry about that Dawn, do you still want to go to the court yard?" I asks her. "Yes, but will we be approached like that?" I begin walking with her hand in mine and answer her question. "Only Tallon has the guts to come up to me to say something like that but not enough to say something like that to my father." I tell here and see her un tense just a bit. We finally get to the court yard with out running into anyone else. "Its beautiful." "In deed it is, it used to be my mothers. Usually when i'm out here I fall asleep right in the gazebo and my father has to wake me so that I don't get burned." I say smiling remembering when my father would use to scold me. "Where is the gazebo?" "Its behind the bushes towards the center of the court yard." We walk around and soon we come across my mothers favorite flowers. "What kind of roses are these." Dawn asks walking over to the dark blue roses. "They are called midnight kiss rose." I say. "Their lovely." "They are mine and my mothers favorites." "Where is you mother?, you speak very fondly of her." "That is some thing that will present its self soon." Is all I tell her.

~Silvans pov~

I look out the window and see Nicholas and Dawn walking around in the gardens and smile graces its way onto my face. "The prophecy has begun and you my son have been pulled into it, good luck." I say turning my back to the window and siting down at my desk to writ a letter to a old friend of mine.

Picture of the garden

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Picture of the garden

Picture of Silvan

I had a better picture but my phone did not want to give it to me

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I had a better picture but my phone did not want to give it to me

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