Settling In

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~Dawns pov~

After Nicholas left and went back into the woods we walk to Ravens entrance of her cave and i pick up a rock and tap it nice and clearly on the cave wall to let her know that some one is on her land. 

~Raven's pov~  

I awoken up by the ringing of a stone one my caves entrance "Now who would be here at this time of night." I mumble and get up out of my cot while grabing a small dagger incase who ever is here is a threat and letting a slight bit of fire dance on my palm. Turning the corner to the entrance I see Dawn and someone else. "Dawn what are you doing here at this time of night and who is this." I say looking at the man. "Raven you remember Dagen correct." I nod my head."Well this is Dagen, he's a werewolf and he helped my a few hours ago of escaping my home because my parents put him as a gaurd to make sure i can't escape my marriage to Hector." "So you ran away from home then." I say letting my fire go out and rubing my temples toabsorb this new information. ~Well Raven looks like you don't have to figure out how to get her out of the Marriage~ "We will talk about this in the moring then, come its late and I want to sleep." I say turning around and lighting my whole hand on fire this time while starting to walk back into the cave with them following. "Your lucky that just this morning I made another cot this morning out of the animal hides i had saved up though one of you will have to sleep on the ground." I say as i yawn and turn to look at them. "Okay I can then help you in the moring with making another cot for one of us." Dagen says and i just nod my head. "Okay over there to the left is the cot for what ever one of you is going to sleep on it." I say and walk over to my fire pit and toss two logs in that were sitting right by the pit and lit them on fire. Stretching I say "Okay I'm going to bed and do not bicker about the cot." I say going over to my bed and getting under the covers, falling asleep fairly quickly. The next morning I wake up and look over to see Dawn still asleep but dagen no where in sight picking up my shaw becasue the days have started to get colder I think to my self ~He had better not have gone back to her parents and told them where she is , because if he did he's going to find himself in a grave, because when Dawn was younger i had only meet him four times and still don't know what to feel about him~. I walk out of the cave to see him standing by the fire pit out side the cave with severl pices of logs around him. "Dagen what are you doing?" I ask. "I told you I would help you build another cot and I always mean what I say." He replies looking up at me. I then sit down and we start to build the cot making light coversation. 

~Dawns pov~

I woke up from the cot that i slept in yawning and stretching. Looking around the cave to see Ravens bed empty and Dagen no where in the room either. "They must be out side." Getting out of the make shift bed I go over to the sack that has ourfood that we took from my home pulling out a pice of apple bread and walking to the entrance of the cave. "Glad to see you awake sleeping beauty." Raven says looking up from putting the finishing touches on the newly built cot. "i didn't sleep that long did I." I asked. "Well you have slept longer than what your maid would have allowed you to because its eleven almost evening time." Raven says standing up along with Dagen. "Well at least I actually feel rested." I say as I walk over to her and Dagen. "Do you guys need help carrying the cot in?" I ask and Raven nods her head yes. "Dawn take the bottem and Dagen take the top." She says as she goes to stand at the bottem of the bed where i'm standing at while Dagen goes to the top. "On three alright." Dagen says and we nod. After we moved the cot to the bedroom Raven spoked up. "Now I believe we have things to disscuss." She says walking to the front of the cave. once we are outside again we sit on the fallen tree branch. "Now what is the specific reason you left." She asks staring right at me. "Well it was mainly dagens idea, but we left because Dagen was a lot more distrusting of Hector because of the way he had talked about the attack on Windmoor and then he sent me these flowers and Dagen ended up picking them up and telling me there was some kind of smell that shouldn't be on flowers after throwing them out the window." I say. "Hmmm.....Dawn I believe that you must learn how defensive magic, it will help protect you from what ever Hector is planning. Stay here." Is what she says and goes back into the cave. "But what if I go power hungry, i-i-i'm scared of what will happen to me." I say looking to Dagen. "D your going to be fine i'm sure that before you ever step down that path Raven will help to get you in the right direction." He says patting my shoulder. A few minutes later Raven comes back with a book in her hands. "This is the book that my teacher gave me when I started to learn how to do defensive magic." she says handing me the book. The book was leather bound with a simple image of a tree in the middle of the book. "My teacher used to call this book The Moonlit Book." "Why?" I question. "Open it and see." I do so and see the pages are empty. I look up at her with confusion all over my face. "It will revile its spells to night when the moon rises, so I wood sugest that you go to bed a couple hours before the sun sets." "Raven she can't always relie on magic can she?" Dagen asks staring intently at Raven. "No she can't, thats why I carry a canceld dagger with me at all times." She replies back and Dagen nods then turns to  me "Okay then D get up and and go stand over there in the by the trees." Dagen says and I squint my eyes at him "And what are you going to do." I say to his retreating figure. "I'm going to teach you how to fight." Is all he says. "Shit." I mumble and get up. 


Okay so this one may be a little boring to read but hey there needs to be some boring parts in a book right but any ways hoped you liked it. And here is a picture of a sun dial  in case any of you don't know what it is. 


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