A chance arrangment

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~Ravens pov~

As I was was helping Nicholas's burns heal I heard Dawn screem my name and I turn around to see her running towards me. I look back and see that Nicholas injury from the sun has started to clear up and I then walk fastly to Dawn. "Lower your voice just a little Dawn." I whisper to her and she whispers back "Sorry, but why do i have to whisper?" "Because my friend is resting since he got hurt. Now what do you need Dawn?" I asked her. "I have not asked much from my mother and father, but i have a feeling that because I am now walking into the forest more than the outskirst of it they want to marry me off." She say's and i catch the meaning. "They had just put you in an arranged marriage, didn't they." I say and she looks down before speaking again. "I got angrey and let my rebelious self come over me. I stormed to my room and quickly changed then climbed out my window. Now i'm here." she says. "I have been on this land for almost two hundred years and have heard a lot of rumors about all kinds of lords and ladies, tell me what lord and his son came." I asked her while sitting on a stump. "The Lords Mildsons, his father seemed very kind but his son there is something about him, his smile did not meet his eyes and you have told me that we good witches have to trust our instinkes." "Yes, you must trust them and for the Mildsons, the lord and lady are very kind and they are from another village. But their son there are some very dark romors about him but they do not talk about him when in his presence or when any of his family is around. Some say he drabbles with dark power that only the cruliest and unhappiest witches and warlocks learn to harm others and put fear though from the history that i have read most of these said books were burned and destroyed except for three of them. I have one that has been passed down in my family for safe keeping and one was sent to a very powerful vampiric lord to keep safe. The last one though has been lost for centuries and not very much people know about these books." I tell her and look up and see that her slightly pale tanned skin has turned into a paper white colored tone. ~Oh dear what have I done. I forgot that she can easily pick out and over anilize a situation and either pass out from scarying her self to death or make brilliant ideas from it. But she's going to pass out~ as I finish this thought she callapses on the ground. "Dammit Raven why did you have to open your mouth and hinting what could happen." I whisperly shout to my slef and drag her over by Nicholas. I look over to the sundial and see that it says that it is two in the afternoon and seeing as it takes two hours to get to this part of the forest she must have left around noon. "Wow Dawn you may be a lords and ladies daughter but you deffinately don't act much like one." I mumble under my breath and laugh slightly. 

~ 3 hours later Nicholas pov~ 

I wake up after blacking out because of the pain that the sun had inflicted. I feel a slight weight that is on my left side. I move some of my black hair from my eyes and see a woman with long red hair and slightly pale tanned skin's head laying her head slightly on my shoulder. I look the other way and immediately reconize the woman because of her ebony black frizze hair. "Raven...Raven!" I whisper trying not to wake the human by me but also trying to get her attention to since the sun was still up slightly. "Good your awake now you are going to tell me why you were out still when there was an hour till sun rise and how you wern't exactly careful how you usually are when you out in the woods. I mean i had to throw my cloak over the fucking cage just to make sure you did't burn to fucking death." She held slight anger but also reflief in her eyes as she came over and gentley picked the girls head off my shoulder. "Sorry about Dawn. She sort of passed out from shock from what I told her and even though she's passed out she tends to move slightly." Raven says and looks at me with a look that say 'now spill'. "I was in the castle but soon Arabell came out of no where and started to get very...suggestive, I don't know what you call it but anyways i sliped out and into the woods and she was trying to follow  and I soon got far from the castle and into the caged trap." I say. Raven had only once seen Arabell and that woman was a monster beyound anything else that I have seen. "Your parents aren't having you marry her right." "I'll be damned if that happened and I would gladly step into the sunlight and be killed by it than marry that thing." I raised my voice in a slightly whisper. "Good that means that I have only one person to get out of a marriage proposel that her paren't put her in." Raven says looking at the girl who i believe she called Dawn. "She a witch?" I asked out of curiosity. "Yes, she is learning to be a healer of sorts with a little bit of magic. She does not wish to have power that will make her feel power hungry. Strange thing is, is that non of her family are witches or warlocks so this makes her very uniqe." "Well she will have a good teacher." I say and look up at the sky and see that the sun is low enough for me to move out of Raven's little cave and streach my limbs. 

Raven's home

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Raven's home

~A moment after Nicholas and Raven step out of the cave Dawn's pov~

I wake up after feeling slighlty cold and remeber why I had passed out and of course it just had to be out of shock. I stand and walk out of Raven's cave and see her talking to a person. She see's me from over the person's shoulder and waves. The person then turns around and i see it is a man. He had pale skin almost the color of milk, dark blue eyes, and long almost hip length jet black hair. He wore a black chiffon shirt opened slightly showing off some of his chest. He wore the chiffon along with black trousers and boots so that when night came he would surly blend in with the night. Raven came over and dragged me to him. "Dawn this is the friend I told you who was resting. "Dawn meet Nicholas, Nicholas meet Dawn." Raven introduced us and Nicholas took my hand and kissed it making me blush slightly. But i was surprised when his touch was cold as the winters winds. "Now Dawn I will tell you this Nicholas is-" I cut her off by saying "Vampire." "Indeed." She says looking at me to make sure i don't pass out. When she is sure i'm not she takes her eye's off me and bring them down to my hand and a smile creeps up on her face. Me and Nicholas follow her gaze and we both notice that our hads are still touching and we pull away quickly while not looking at each other. "Now Dawn you should go home before the night prowlers come out and find you as a late nights snack or meal. "SHIT!, what time is it." I say. Raven looks over to the sundial. "About a quarter past five." "I'm not going to make it until after sun down." I say to her and she looks to Nicholas with a little smirk. "I know and I also know the quickest person to get you there...Nicholas your taking Dawn home. Now both of you get going." She gives no room for argument for me or Nicholas. "Hold on." I hear in my ear and I am then picked up bridle style and we are running through the tree's. "So which village do you live at." "Silent watch by mirror cove." I replie we soon then had a converstation flowing smoothly between us. "So question is it true that vampire and werewolves hate each other, because in some books that I have read it says that both your kinds don't have friendly bonds with each other." I asked him and he laughs. "Well you humans think that because some people have came across a vampire or two that have fought the werewolves but truth is, is that we are actully friends with them...well now we are that is. About four hundred years ago our rivlry had ended because several vampires had made friends with them and over the years our bond has grown much bigger and we now have regular wolves that help keep certain vampire families safe for if they live close to a human village." He tells me and I stare wide eyed. "Thats amazing." I tell him as we reach the out skirts of the forest. "It's been nice talking to you Nicholas." I say turning around to also thank him but he is already gone. ~Hmm must be hungry so he went hunting or went home~  I say starting towards home. 

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