Part 4: Sherlock's First Party

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"Sherlock wants to go to a party? With... people?" Mycroft shuddered. "Ghastly isn't it, mother?"

"Oh Mike! I think it's lovely Sherlock has friends, don't you dare spoil it," Mrs. Holmes ordered Mycroft.

"Yes... Well I'll look forward to the end of the night when things go back to normal." Mycroft started to slink away to his room.

"Mycroft," Sherlock mumbled.

"Yes, brother mine?"

"Would you..." Sherlock tried his best to keep his dignity intact by thinking about his next words very carefully. "Would you care to drive me there?"

"It would be my pleasure," Mycroft deadpanned, "and would you also like me to fetch your diamonds from the vault?"

Sherlock rolled his eyes at Mycroft and started to walk out the door.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Mycroft started to dangle the car keys from his fingers.

"Oh... right."

"My goodness, Sherlock. They're wearing off on you already. Just promise me you'll have something left in there when you get back." Mycroft lightly tapped his skull.

Sherlock's mother grinned at him as he shut the door. Normally he didn't drive, especially since he was underage. But he had figured out how to, in a matter of hours in the summer. And he would just steal Mycroft's licence in case anything were to happen.

   Staring out into the swarm of people, most of whom he didn't even recognize, Sherlock started to tremble. He realized now that John never really specified what time to arrive. And he might be alone for a while. He stood at the entrance and felt the cool air blow past him every time the door opened.

  Suddenly he felt an even colder blast of air than usual and decided to turn around. He saw that John was standing in the doorway hanging up his coat as the door stood ajar. Sherlock inched closer to him and felt John's body heat radiating warmth which seemed to relax him. He reached over John's shoulder and slammed the door shut.

"John. Hello."

"Hey, Sherlock!" John hopped down the shallow steps of the entrance as he made his way to the living room. Sherlock followed suit, but instead he took quick strides down the steps.

"So... how does this work?"


"How does- uh... this party... I don't-"

John grinned at him as they continued walking forward.

"In all honesty, I don't have a bloody clue. Never been to one," John laughed.

The two of them took a tour of the house chatting about all kinds of things they didn't cover in detention. Eventually they decided to just stay in the kitchen and eat snacks.

"You see, this whole socialization thing is not exactly my expertise," Sherlock told John.


"Sorry, do I know either of you?" A tall guy with a grey buzz cut approached the two boys.

"Sherlock Holmes," Sherlock replied as he held out his hand for the guy to shake.

"Holmes? Do you happen to have a brother? Goes by the name, Mycroft?"

"Yes, unfortunately."

"Well it's nice to meet you two, I'm Greg. People usually call me Lestrade. Anyway, help yourselves to whatever you want," Lestrade told them as he noticed someone stealing a vase from the basement. He started to dash away in a panic and waved a goodbye to the two of them quickly.

John and Sherlock munched on a few chips until they decided that the party was a bit tedious.

"John, you want to leave?"

"Absolutely. Where to?"

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