Part 11: Good News

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Sherlock pulled John aside and they stopped behind a fake plant. Meanwhile, Molly was hunched over the tiny little screen typing away furiously.

"John?" Sherlock seethed.

"Sherlock, what's your problem?"

"Why did you invite her?"

"Molly?" John looked back at her. "She's your friend, Sherlock. And she looked so upset when you were being rude to her."

"I was getting her to leave us alone." Sherlock started to stomp away.

John grabbed Sherlock's arm. "Did it ever occur to you that maybe other people could feel hurt by what you say to them?"


John rolled his eyes and the two of them walked back over to Molly. She looked up and flashed them a big smile.

"Oh thank you for letting me be apart of this! It's been a while since I brushed up on my programming skills, but I got through some sort of coding that was blocking us out," Molly explained.

"Wonderful!" John gave Sherlock a smirk.

They got into Moriarty's account and erased the email. John sighed in relief and a smile crept across his face.

"That's it?" He laughed. "Oh thank the lord! Oh I'm so glad! That's it right?"

"No, John. That was the easy part... We still need to get the actual note from Moriarty." John's smile turned to gritted teeth.

"What note? And what exactly was in that email?" Molly asked.

"Nothing." Sherlock shut down the computer and slammed the screen shut.

He got up and walked out the door. His trench coat swaying behind him as he pulled up the collar. John started to get up when he saw Molly gaping at Sherlock.

"So Molly, how long have you known Sherlock?" John asked.

"Oh... Um... I've been in his class since elementary school. But I wouldn't say... I know him. I'm kind of just... there? If you know what I mean?"

"Oh um... okay."

They sat there silently and just stared at the shelves of books. Rows upon rows of worlds to explore with new people to meet. And yet it was just John, Molly, and the librarian sitting there.

"So... you like Sherlock?" John figured there's no point in wasting time.

"WHAT? I mean... Sorry... Pardon me?" Molly's cheeks turned bright pink.

"Do you have a thing for Sherlock?"

"What... Um... John... Why... Wha-Why would you think that?"

"I saw the way you looked at him."

"Well I-" Molly started fidgeting with her hair. "I... I've like him since... Elementary school."

"Oh. Wow."

"Yes... He just... He doesn't notice me." Molly twirled a strand of hair around her finger.

The bell rang and they got up.

"You should tell him how you feel." John smiled. "I should get to science now. It was nice chatting."

John made his way to his science class and bumped into Sherlock on the way there.

"Sherlock!" John announced.

"Yes, John?"

"Oh. I've got to tell you, Molly... Sherlock, she likes you. You should go talk to her." John patted Sherlock on the shoulder.

"What?" Sherlock spat out.

"Sherlock, I don't know why you're getting so pissed off all of a sudden. This is a good thing! Anyway I've got to go, we'll chat later."

Sherlock just stood there as people bumped into him and shouted at him to move. He couldn't move. He couldn't do anything.

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