Part 6: I Don't Know

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Sherlock used to ask his brother how to be normal. Especially when the kids at school called him mean names. And Mycroft always told him the same thing.

"Little brother, why is it that you want to be normal? Wouldn't you rather be extraordinary? You see, normal people live a boring life. They make friends and have kids. Then one day, they die. And worst of all, they die having accomplished nothing. Do you really want to be normal?"

Sherlock would always shake his head and think of all the kids who would die having accomplished nothing. It brought him temporary happiness until their painful words stabbed at him in the school yard. He wanted to be normal.

   Sherlock didn't feel like talking when he got home. He could still feel his burning cheeks and sweaty palms. As he walked into the house, he tried to attract as little attention as possible. He looked over at the kitchen to see Mycroft shoving his face with his mother's pound cake. At least he was occupied so Sherlock could try and sneak past him.

"Sherlock!" His mother looked down on him from the top of the staircase.

"Hello, Mother."

"How was it?" She was beaming with excitement.

"Oh it was fine."

"Oh good! Have some cake, I'm sure Mycroft will share some of his."

"No, that's alright. I've got to get going to bed now. I'm a bit exhausted from all the... the partying." Sherlock walked down the hall and went straight for his room.

He slammed the door behind him and slumped down on the floor. Then, he pulled his knees up to his chest as he began to whimper. He'd never felt an emotion quite like this before. It was like it was slowly eating its way through him.

"Sherlock?" It was Mycroft on the other side of the door. He always knew when something was wrong.

"What is it, Mycroft?"

"May I come in?"

Mycroft couldn't see him like this, he'd think he was weak. So Sherlock jumped up off the floor and got to work. He fanned his face and wiped his hands on his trousers. He looked in the mirror and decided he didn't look half bad, so he opened the door.


"Is everything alright, Sherlock?" Mycroft took a quick scan of the room.

"Yes, Mycroft. Now leave."

"Tell me, how was that... Party?"

"It was fine. Just like I told mother. Now get out." Mycroft took a seat on Sherlock's bed.

"Sherlock, I may be your despicable older brother-"

"Well yes, you are my despicable older brother."

Mycroft rolled his eyes and continued,"But, I am your brother. And I know when something is wrong."

Sherlock stood there in the corner of his room. He felt his knees starting to buckle. Then, took a deep sigh and decided to indulge Mycroft.

"Mycroft... Do you ever wish you were normal?"

"Why is it that you think I would want to be normal I would-"

"Yes, I know. You would rather be extraordinary. But wouldn't it be nice? To have friends, to have relationships, to see the world instead of analyzing it?"

Mycroft started to think about this for a while as Sherlock took a seat on the ground. The pain came rushing back to his head, so Sherlock closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and waited for Mycroft's voice to scare away all of the terrible things he was feeling.

"I don't know."

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