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It was few days after the explosion that I realized that the spell on the chains was gone. The spell that Galbatorix put on the chains binding my wings and talons made them unbreakable. But if the spells gone then what happened to Galbatorix I thought. I gently reached down and snapped the padlock off of the chains binding my front talons. I picked it up and looked at it in amazement. I'd been trying to do that for decades, I could finally escape. Feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline I quickly tore off the padlock binding my other talons and unwrapped the chains. I stretched my legs for the first time since I got captured. Carefully I twisted my neck around to grab the chains binding my wings in my jaws. Jerking my head back, I snapped the chains off my wings. I unwound the last of the chains from my body before spreading my wings. It felt so good to move my wings, Galbatorix refused to remove the chains on them unless I joined his side. I glanced disgusted at the rusted and slightly bloody chains. I looked around my dark, damp cave until my eyes landed on the door. I walked to the door and tried to push it open, it was unlocked. The door pushed open with a with a loud bang! I peered out into the hallway to find it completely empty. I walking out and peering down the hallway. I was at the very end, and at the other end was a set of stairs and something that looked like sunlight. Hope filled my chest as I raced towards the stairs. I bolted up them till I reached a huge door. It looked like it was made of stone and blended into the walls around it. A soft light was shining through the cracks. I shoved it open as hard as I could. The sunlight nearly blinded me at first but as I stepped outside my eyes adjusted. I was surrounded by huge leafy green trees. Trees, I thought with excitement as a thrill ran through me. I didn't know how long it had been since I last saw a tree. I sunk my claws into the grass, loving the feeling of soft dirt instead of cold, hard stone. Looking back at the door I realized that the door blended perfectly into a sheer cliff next to me. I looked up and breathed in the fresh, crisp air. On impulse I opened my wings and shot up into the sky.

    I only felt that I was now truly free when I was flying. The cool air blowing in my face as I twirled and dived in the sky. After a while I looked around to see where I was. With shock I saw a huge camp up ahead. I decide to ignore it for a while. A pang of hunger hit me and I remembered that the last time a servant brought me food was a month ago. The scent of livestock filled my nose, the scent coming from the camp. Quickly scanning the camp I soon found a farm filled with all sorts of animals. Hunger overtook me before I could think I out and I soon found myself in a dive towards the cow pen. The cows terrified shrieking made me dig my claws in deeper as I flew away as fast as I could. As soon as I landed I slit the cows throat and ate like it was my last meal. Soon I had stripped the bone completely clean of meat and sat back finally satisfied. I started to ponder my next move when I realized that I could go anywhere. How long has it been? I asked myself. I knew that the war had been a very long time ago, at least 50 years, maybe more. I shook the thought away and stood up. I needed to leave immediately before he found me. Cool air rushed into my face as I launched into the sky. My worries soon melted away as I flew through the sky. Today had the perfect flying conditions, clear skies and the perfect amount of wind. All of the colors were still slightly overwhelming in comparison to the dull gray of the stone in my prison. The only color in that cave was the red and orange of the ever-lit torches that illuminated the area. I used to spend hours just watching the flames flicker and dance. Here the trees seemed to glow green and the sun was so bright it made me squint. I had almost forgotten the smell of the forest.

I closed my eyes and just flew, enjoying the feeling of wind under my wings. I was jolted out of my trance by something sharp grabbing my left wing. I opened my eyes just in time to see a dragon holding my left wing and another dragon grabbing my right one. The dragon holding my left was a deep sapphire blue. The dragon hold my right wing was a angry looking red color. I writhed under their hold, I would not let myself be captured, not again. I used my tail to beat at the red dragon while I scratched and bit the blue dragon. I roared, and scratched, and bit, but I couldn't escape. Their talons just dug deeper into my wings as they flew down to a clearing with two people in it. I snarled and sunk my teeth into the blue dragons leg. It shrieked in pain but kept a tight grip. I started to panic as we got closer to the ground. I shot a burst of flame at the red dragon, who in return stabbed its claws deeper into my wing. I tried pull myself out of their grip but they were both stronger and bigger than me. When Galbatorix caught me during the war he cast a spell on me that stop my growing. I was only slightly smaller than the blue dragon. At a last attempt to escape I reached out to the blue dragons mind.

Please just let me go, I pleaded helplessly. The dragon just gave me a sympathetic glance and shut me out of their mind. A wave of hopelessness engulfed me and I went limp in the dragon's claws. There was no point fighting these dragons were obviously sent by Galbatorix to retrieve me, he must have gotten the eggs that he boasted about to hatch. I shuddered as I thought of what he might do to me when he got me back. Once we got close enough to the ground they dropped me, probably as payback for trying to hurt them. I didn't even try to escape, there was no point Galbatorix would just catch me again. I just laid there, curled up to protect myself from further harm.

"Is it alive?" someone asked from behind me. I felt a boot nudge my injured wing. It felt as though someone had stuck a burning hot iron  into my wing. I lifted my head and snarled at the person even though they were out of my view, and readied myself to attack. I heard someone shout something and I fell completely limp. I tried to move my legs but everything was refusing to even twitch. When I tried to growl nothing came out. I was completely and utterly helpless.

A/N- This fic might not be very good.  I write most of it in the middle of the night to help with anxiety. If you have any suggestions feel free to tell me. The next chapters will be up tomorrow.

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