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The sound of clanking armour awoke me. I opened my eyes to see a group of soldiers walking into the clearing on the other end than me. I saw a flash of black fur as the fox fled back into the bushes. A pang of sadness hit me, that was the only thing I had met that wasn't afraid of me in years. I turned my attention back to the soldiers. They were standing around someone, hiding them from view. I quickly moved out of the trees and spread my wings. I launched myself up into the air. I hovered for a moment before soaring away from the camp. I was heading back towards the cliff when I felt my snout slam into something hard. I reeled back, dazed from the pain. Once my vision focused again I carefully reached out my talons and brushed the area where my head hit. As I touched it the air seemed to solidify into a shimmery blue forcefield as solid as the cliff face. I snarled and flipped myself around to face the soldiers. They had stopped in the middle of the clearing, right in front of me. I could now see who was in the middle of the soldiers. It was a dark-skinned woman with a fancy dress and a crown upon her head. She said something and a few of the soldiers stepped forwards. I panicked and blew a blast of flame at the nearest one. He danced out of the way as the flame brushed his chest and ran back to the group. The others hesitated before continuing forwards. I let out a low, long roar and swiped my claws at them. They quickly went back to the group who were nervously talking amongst themselves. I heard another roar as I saw Saphira rise up from somewhere amongst tents and come racing towards me. As they entered the forcefield it dissolved. She quickly landed and Eragon dismounted and ran over to the soldiers. Saphira glanced nervously between me and Eragon. I saw my chance and immediately launched myself back towards the cliff. I passed through the forcefield with ease. Once I was a safe distance away I dove into the trees. Branches and twigs halted my descent as I landed. The forest was bright and full of noise. I stepped carefully, heading away from the camp. I heard a rustle in the bushes and froze. I turned my head over to the bushes and saw a small puff of black fur. The fox. I sighed and relaxed. The fox yipped and stepped forwards. I lowered my body down to it and peered into its eyes. I wonder I thought before gently reaching out my  mind. I felt around until I felt a bright, sparkling mind, full of curiosity. Hello I said softly. The fox stared at me with wide eyes. I quickly realized that it could not talk back to me. The fox stepped forwards again. I carefully reached my talons out and held it out to the fox. It hesitated before jumping onto my talons. I reached out my mind again and searched through the foxes mind. I learned that the fox was a girl. I decided to call her Artemis and put her on top of my head. She quickly scampered down my neck and curled up between my shoulders, right where my rider used to sit. I shook the thought out of my head and looked around. I started walking away from the camp again. I was starting to near the cliff when I heard loud wingbeats. I glanced up and saw Saphira and Thorn soaring overhead. I crouched down under the trees. The fox woke up at the sudden stillness. She stood up and paced around my shoulders, then layed back down in hollow where my rider used to be. The wingbeats had grown louder, the dragons were getting closer. I started to dash into the trees. I couldn't let them find me.

Evarína! I heard someone shout in my mind. It was obviously Eragon. There were two loud thumps as Thorn and Saphira landed near me, crashing through the trees. I snarled and backed up. I made sure to shield Artemis with my wings. As the dragons got closer I began to panic more and more. I let out a low roar as Thorn crept towards me. Finally Thorn and Saphira stepped back. I slowly continued walking back into the trees. Eragon slid off of Saphira and slowly walked towards me, hands held up in a surrendering gesture. Calm down Evarína, we won't hurt you, Eragon said still walking towards me. I growled again and swiped my talons at him. Saphria snarled at me as Eragon repeated it in the ancient language. I hesitated, then stopped my walk into the trees. Eragon smiled and stepped forwards a bit more. "I'm sorry, I told Nasuada to wait for me to meet me there, but she didn't listen to me," he explained.

Who's Nasuada, and why were there soldiers? I asked. Panic began to build in my throat, they were going to capture me and tie me up just like Galbatorix did. Eragon must have sensed my panic (at the disco) and stepped forwards, holding his hands up.

"It's ok Evarìna, Nasuada is the new queen of Alagaesia. I told her about you and she got nervous. She thought she needed to take charge, so she got her guards and went to meet you. I told he to wait for my so I could introduce you, but she didn't listen." He clarified. My panic slowly dissipated.

Oh I whispered. My tail twitched as I stepped forwards. Eragon told me to follow him then remounted Saphira. I quickly crouched down and let Artemis hop off my back, before picking her up in my talons. The other looked at me, confused before we all took up into the sky. It wasn't long before we reached the clearing where Nasuada was waiting.

A/n- I'm hiding in a corner at school writing this so teachers don't see me. I prewrote the first three chapters so updates will be slower now. I'll update again soonish because I'm going on spring break this weekend. If anyone has any suggestions please tell me.

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