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It's been 5 years since I broke it off with my latest fiance and pop singer Belinda Peregrine, I moved on to much richer and greener pastures, for now, I had Shaunyl Benson and our now 3-year-old son Johnny Crisstopher. He was such a bundle of joy, and so full of energy that Shaunyl and I could barely keep up with the little guy. My career was at its absolute peak as my fame went all the way to the stars and back again, I was indeed the most famous celebrity around and been deemed the King of Las Vegas that in itself was an incredible honor for me, but every time I would ask Shaunyl to be my Queen, she would get gunshy on me and tell me no. 

She loved me and wanted me in her and Johnny's life, but she just wasn't ready for marriage. But that was the story of this magician's life, if they didn't try to kill me just to get a wedding band on their finger, they would try to kill themselves to run away when I did show them a wedding ring. But I didn't let it bother me, for she did accept my terms of engagement, and for now, that would have to suffice. I even built my castle on the outskirts of the city so, me and my family could live in peace from all the loud noises of the city that never slept, and because for as grand as my suite was at the Luxor, it just wasn't big enough for a family man like I was desperately trying to become. 

But I knew she would come around when she was ready, and I would gladly give her the space she needed. Now when my mom came over, doing her visiting, I couldn't promise Shaunyl that she won't bother her about marrying me until she gave in to my mommy's divine will and said she would marry me. But back to the brighter conversation, now that I was a daddy myself I changed my entire lifestyle just so I could spend more of my time with my son. So I dropped hours and a couple of showtimes at The Luxor, and I refused to work on the weekends at all because those days were for me and my son to share grand adventures and have all the fun I could muster up. 

Just like last weekend I took Johnny to the animal shelter with me and we ended up bringing 4 dogs and three cats back home with us, Shaunyl had quite a hissy fit, but after my loving finessing she gave in and said we could keep them, but the two big dogs had to stay outside. Our family was growing faster every day, I definitely could say I now had it all, and I was the happiest and luckiest man alive. Shaunyl didn't much care for my career, but she loved me so much that she always stood by my side no matter what I was doing. I returned the favor by being very supportive of her career of being a singer and model that she was trying to make while being a fulltime mom and girlfriend, she hated it when I jumped the gun in my conversations with people and introduced her as my wife, or fiance...but she was so cute when she was mad. But I would cool her down when I told her I was just practicing for when she said yes to me.

The only real problem I had was with Shaunyl's family, her parents did not approve of me at all, they didn't think I was good enough for their daughter, because all I did for a living was take people's money for parlor tricks that I performed. But I was so determined to have Shaunyl with me, I told her I would win her family over with my charming personality and loving disposition. Shaunyl told me often that she really admired my determination on that, but she wasn't so sure I could do it, because her parents were really old-fashioned and wanted to pick out the man themselves for her to marry up with, and they really disliked me for soiling her as they called it and knocking her up all those years ago.

So every time when they would visit her, I would really get my game on and try to make them like me, and the more they disliked and tried to push me away, the stronger I would push myself back on to them, and I think after all this time I finally got her mom to like me, because she realized that I did love her daughter very much and I was the best father to my son and took care of my responsibilities, and was a very hard worker. Her father on the other hand just couldn't come around to liking me because I was cocky and extremely hard headed and really set in my ways. After they left from visiting us, I gave Shaunyl a kiss and smile as I told her I still wasn't going to quit or give up on working on her father to like me.

It wasn't until later that evening when Rose called me from the Luxor and said that I was needed there for a meeting, once I got there she apologized for it taking longer than she first expected. I didn't make it back to Serenity until 13 minutes after midnight. All the lights in the house were out, so I just thought Shaunyl got tired of waiting up for me and went to bed. I didn't start to get that eerie feeling until I opened the door that wasn't locked, and wasn't greeted by our pack of furbabies. I instinctively reached for the light switch, but it wouldn't work. So I rushed thru the house to get to the upstairs where my son and fiance were staying, during my racing thru the house I tripped over some objects that were blocking the hallway I knelt down and hesitantly touched what was in the way, and realized that it was my dogs all dead with their blood all around. I tried to hold in my tears at wondering where Shaunyl and Johnny was, and if they were ok, or if their fate was as bad as our beloved pets.

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