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So it was done, Klayton and Karalea were mated for life in eternal bondage, Kc and I were eternally one, Sully had his wife Sandy, Luke finally gave in and realized that Rachel was the one for him, and he was the only one for her, so they became immortals on their wedding night. JD gave his word that as soon as Johnny was old enough to decide for himself that he would accept the change. But know that we were a family of immortals we couldn't live in the same place for very long because the people would notice after so many years that we weren't aging a day, so we went all over the world and discovered even some new places on secluded islands that were a very beautiful place to live for a while away from it all.

But JD stayed back at Serenity with his wife and daughter and raised Johnny with all of us coming in every now and then to visit because it was just too hard for me to stay away from my lil man that long. The last time we came to visit them Johnny was a whopping 7 years old, I couldn't believe we were gone so long that time, but Johnny was beginning to know and understand what happened to us all and said he couldn't wait until he was old enough to come with me and his mommy. But JD was growing older as well, and I told him he and Lynn needed to accept the change now before it was too late for them...and that Johnny and young Dimi could live their lives with us and as soon as they were old enough and they wanted it, I would change them no matter where we were at.

JD gave a longing sigh as he closed his eyes and said for me to get it over with, and hopefully, it wasn't a bad idea. Lynn gave her hubby a loving squeeze as she said as long as we were with the family there was no such thing as it being a bad idea...because there was nothing more important than family and love. I spoke the words one more time, and the others got to watch as they saw my blood turn into dust as it went into their systems, then I spoke the rest of the words and softly and slowly injected them with the DNA from my fangs, then we all stood around them both and waited until the woke up as fresh new immortals. 

Sandy finally gave Sully his much waited for daughter and named her Skylar Jean Erna. Klayton and Karalea had triplets and their names were Jericho, Kiefer, and Pheonix. Rachel gave Luke twin boys and named them Mickey and Mark. Costa and his wife Kimberly had two toddlers themselves but they were still mortal like Johnny was because they weren't old enough yet to choose for themselves, their names were Ethan and Samuel. JD and Lynn were still waiting for the day that their daughter Dimi would be old enough to change, but she still had a few years to go as well. But all in all, we were all happy and lived life to its fullest every day always trying new things and helping others to the best of our abilities. Except for Klayton he liked tormenting other punks in their dreams, he thought it was fun as hell but he was awnery like that and such a big child at heart.

In the end, I looked back at my entire life long quest and realized how much I had to lose just to make it to where I was. But I got solace in knowing that what I had now, nothing or nobody could ever take it away from me, because everyone close to me was immortal just like me and with all of us protecting our kids until they were old enough to change them was all too easy. Every now and then I would look over at Luke and wonder if I did the right thing in letting him live instead of taking his life for being apart of the ending of my mortal life, but when I saw the way he was with my family and all the kids, I told myself I did the right thing, because he did come up to me and told me he did wrong and fixed everything he did by giving it back, and I looked thru his soul long ago and when he said he had nothing to do with the murders, he wasn't lying. 

As for my lovely wife and mate for all eternity, I couldn't ask for a better partner to live my existence with, she always kept me guessing and loved me more than life itself she just brightened my life every single day, and Johnny loved her unconditionally, I couldn't ask for a better wife, partner, friend, and soulmate. Klayton was the wild one of the bunch, and every now and then I had to knock his silly ass off his hi-horse he was on because he would every now and then go a little too far with his magic abilities and getting too devilish with the humans. So I took some of his powers for a while and told him to stick with his wife and help take care of his kids for a while instead of gallivanting off making humans miserable during their time of sleep and supposable peace. 

Klayton chomped on his bit the entire time I grounded him, but it was for the best. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months finally turned into years past, young Dimi was now a young woman and ready to join the family and so was Johnny. Samuel and Ethan still had a couple years to go before they were old enough...but it was going to happen, then my family would truly be complete, and we all would live together forever happily even during the end of all things...we still would still be.


                       ~*The End*~ 

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