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Back in the desert in a worn out old shack away from the big city lived a young lady that was in rags trying to get a meal together for her two older brothers that would give her a real beating if she didn't have it ready for them by the time they got there. It wasn't until after 4 that evening that the man with the tattoo on his neck pulled up at the shack along with his weaselly brother Wes, and partner in crime, they quickly buried the murder weapon in the sand, then grabbed out the several bags of loot they took from the Mindfreak Mansion and carried it into their secret lair where they kept all their goodies. 

Wes went back to the truck and pulled out the huge gunny sack with the now screaming toddler inside it and carried it into the shack and tossed it on the bed where their sister slept. Then their older brother Luke walked into the house and slammed the door behind him and hollered for his sister Kc to get the food on the table because he was starving. Wes remained quiet as he sat down on the other end of the small table with two chairs and one stool. Kc quickly sat the plates full of food for each of them, then she sat down on the stool in silence until her older brother told her something else to do. But she couldn't help but keep looking at the moving gunny sack on her bed...Wes took her mind off of what was on her mind when he asked her if she got his laundry all done because he was tired of wearing the same filthy clothes.

Kc jumped up and said all the laundry was done, as were all the bedclothes, and before they could ask she told them that the house was all cleaned from top to bottom. Wes stood up and handed Kc his empty plate, and asked if there was anything for dessert. Luke slapped him on the back of his head as he told him if he wanted dessert to get off his lazy ass and make it himself, and to leave Kc alone, because she's done her chores, and it was now time for her to take it easy and rest. Kc looked again over at the gunny sack and slowly asked Luke what was in the bag. Luke without turning around told her to go ahead and open it.

Kc walked obediently to her feather mattress little cot in the corner and untied the knot that was in the gunny sack and as she looked inside a little boy's head popped out that had his face all red from crying and hollering for his parents. Kc looked over at her brothers and asked what they were going to do with him. Wes came out and said they were supposed to get rid of him before they got there, but they forgot all about him in the back of the truck. Then she watched as Wes stood up and pulled out his knife and walked toward the toddler. Luke kept minding his own business as he was finishing up his dinner. Kc pulled the little boy on her lap and held him in a motherly embrace and stood up to her brother for the first time in her life as she told him, he would not lay one finger on this child!

It led to a huge fight, but no matter how hard Wes lashed at Kc, she refused to back down, all she did was move the baby closer and closer to her heart blocking his body from her brother's lashes. Luke finished his dinner and turned around and told Wes to leave it be, and that if his sweet little sister wanted to take the whelp in, he had no problem with it. Wes was now infuriated by his older brother's decision because he hated kids. Luke quickly grabbed Wes by the neck and violently asked him if he had a problem with his decisions. Wes submitted and shook his head no then he went into the far back room where his bed was and slammed it behind him.

Luke tossed the empty plate in the sink along with the other dirty dishes, Kc remained silent until Luke walked over to her and told her if she wanted to keep the whelp, he was her responsibility, and she needed to keep him outta the way and quiet. Kc hugged the boy as she thanked him, then she asked if she could give him something to eat. Luke gave his little sister a slight smile as he said he wouldn't last very long if she didn't take care of him. Then he went over to her and gave her a tiny kiss on the forehead and told her goodnight. 

Kc told him goodnight back, then she grabbed some food and handed it to the boy, he ate it without any complaints or hesitations, for just by her reactions toward him, he knew he was safe with her, and right now that's what he needed. After he ate until he couldn't eat anymore, Kc did up the dishes while he fell asleep instantly from being worn out from everything that's happened to him. After she finished cleaning up, she turned out the lamps and crawled in the bed next to the little boy and pulled the blankets over them both as she snuggled around him and slowly drifted off to sleep feeling grateful that she now had someone to love and that would eventually love and show love back for her. 

But not once did she even come to think about asking her two brother's where they found him at, or what they did to acquire him, but at that moment she didn't really care because he was there now and she would never let anything happen to him, not while she lived. She woke up when she heard the lil boy crying out for his daddy, and she sat up and held him close to her as she wiped his tears away telling him it was going to be ok, then she asked him if he had a name, the little boy looked up at her with his large brown eyes and slowly said in between sniffles that his name was Johnny, then he said slowly that he wanted his daddy and mommy then he went back to sleep holding onto her with a death grip.

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